"They're a waste of your energy little girls. You failed," The warden said before he turned away.

"Piss off," I muttered to myself.

"Kya, Katara catch," I turned my head and Haru threw us a rock. Katara caught the coal, we smirked at each other as we lunged the rocks to the warden. Hitting his head. He grumbled in anger, turning around. He was pissed. I could feel a spark go off in my eyes.

Haru was twirling three pieces of coal in the air with his fingers. The warden extended his arms, flames emerged in my direction. Haru sprinted over to shield me, I pushed him out of the way immediately. Suddenly a wall of coal formed blocking the flames before they reached us. We both turned around surprised. Tyro was behind us, finally standing up for himself. Well maybe to protect his son who was almost burned. I fist bumped Haru keeping my eyes on his dad, he chuckled. Sokka bolted over grabbing me and pulling me away from all the fighting.

"Show no mercy!" The warden ordered to the soldiers.

Tyro along with the benders who supported him blocked the flames. Now this is real earth bending.

They slightly leaned back, "For the Earth Kingdom, attack!" They simultaneously placed their hands on the floor sending coal to the warden. The warden jumped backward. His flames protecting him from the coal.

The earth benders began to fight along side Tyro and Haru. Cheering as they saw victory in this fight. I gave a small smile, their hope has been restored. These people all banded together to finally fight back.

"Stay close to me," Sokka said. We followed closely behind my brother. A soldier attempted to attack us his spear, but Sokka cut the blade off with his boomerang. Hm nice one Sokka, I thought as he continued to clear a path for us.

Tyro and Haru formed a boulder with the coal causing an opening for all of us to escape.

"Get to the ship! We'll hold them off!" Tyro loudly ordered

I turned to Haru, he looked at me. A quick exchange ending with us nodding in unison. I ran to catch up with my siblings and Aang.

The earth benders ran out the courtyard,"Don't let them escape!" The warden ordered. The soliders continued shoot fire in the direction of the opening.

Aang swiftly turning around, making a tube of air.,"Guys, throw me some coal!"

We all threw in coal watching as it flew out the other end. Sokka being rational, threw in a pile of the coal. The rocked knocked down the warden and the other soldiers. I crossed my arms, pleased of the outcome of it all.

Tyro, Haru, and one other earth bender formed coal under the guards and the warden and his soldiers, they now floated over the open water.

"No! Please! I can't swim!" Begged the warden

"Don't worry, I hear cowards float," Tyro said before dropping them into the water. I smirked, nice one Tyro.

I walked over to Haru and gave him a double high five, "That was amazing,"

He smiled looking over to his father.


Soon enough all the earth benders were on the ships, sailing back to their respective villages. I along with Katara, Haru, and Tyro were on the leading fleet ship. Next to us swam Appa, carrying my brother and Aang, and the one and only Momo. A cool breeze shifted by.

"I want to thank you for saving me. For saving us." Haru said to Katara.

Katara rubbed the back of her neck shyly, "All it took was a little coal,"

I gave a small hum at her reaction. My sister was cute for being so open with her emotions.

"it wasn't the coal. It was you and Kya. We have you to thank."

Tyro placed his hands on both me and my sisters shoulders, "Thank you for helping me find my courage, Katara. Kya, thank you for calling us out on our cowardly acts, you were right. Our families await our safe return. You helped make that happen sooner than anyone thought."

"My family, and everyone here owes you two both much. So thank you Kya and Katara of the Water Tribe."

"I guess you're going home now." Katara said.

"Yes. To take back my village. To take back all of our villages!" He yelled so everyone could hear. He encouraged everyone else to take a stand. We spoke of hope and he echoed it. "The Fire Nation will regret the day they set foot on our land!"

The other earth benders cheered, their spirits soared, I looked at them with a smile. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. They have a long journey ahead of them. The fight is over but their battle has just begun.

I felt a hand hold mine tightly, "Come with us." I turned to see Haru smiling.

I stepped closer to him. Smiling, not sadly just smiling. Silence as a soft breeze blew by both our faces. Our hairs got in the way until the breeze passed. "I can't. It's your mission to take back your home. Your revolution starts here," I look to Aang who is talking with Sokka, I look to my sister who is with Tyro, and to the masses of ships. This is finally a start, the world is going to change from here on out. The Avatar will take his role in the balance of the world. It's my job to ensure this all happens as smoothly as possible. I look back at Haru, his eyes glittered," My job is to travel to the North Pole with my siblings and Aang, he needs to master water bending."

The sweet scent of the freshwater meeting the green life on the shore. It was time to go.

"I'll miss you, Kya." He embraced me in a hug. He gripped me tightly as if he didn't want to let go, "And I'll miss you too, Haru. Don't lose hope,"

"Everyone!" I spoke loudly so everyone could hear,"I would like to thank you today. Not for standing up for me and my family, but for finding the strength to help yourselves. I wish you the best of luck in your valiant effort to take back your home from the Fire Nation. Return home as your are heros. Nothing less," They cheered in response.

I never spoken to a large group like that. I blinked a bit embarrassed but it felt good to say out loud. I prayed to the spirits their efforts will continue and that it'll fruit good results.

Haru gave a warm smile, and a quick peck on the lips. I was shocked, my face flushed. His lips were warm. I hugged him.

"Don't die okay," I told him as he laughed digging his face in my hair.

"Same to you," He replied

Kya Maiden of the Sea  Book 1 ATLAWhere stories live. Discover now