Chapter 14

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Third p.o.v

Ventus landed in a world that Makaylyn was about to fall in. He had her in his arms, he started to walk towards somewhere, where he could set Makaylyn down somewhere.

As Ventus tried to find a place to set Makaylyn down, he then heard someone running and panting behind him. He turned around and saw a satyr running by. 'Maybe he can help me' Ventus thought and went towards the satyr.

Ventus spoke to the satyr "Hey, whatcha doin' there?" The satyr was startled by Ventus' voice. "I told ya, I'm booked solid. N-O spell, forget it!" When the satyr realized he wasn't the person who he thought he was. "Huh? And who in Halicarnassus are you? Can't you see I'm busy?" Before Ventus could speak another voice was heard.

"Hey, Phil! I'm all signed up! Phil!" shouted a boy running towards the satyr. "All right, Herc, I hear ya! Now would ya keep it down already"

Then another boy approached them. He goes towards the group. "Beautiful...You happy now? You blew my cover!" said now known as Phil.

"Okay, fess up. I asked around, and everyone says you're the guy. The trainer of heroes!"

Ventus was paying attention to the conversations, he was focused on Makaylyn conditions. Before he could ask them, he then saw Unversed. He looks between Makaylyn and the Unversed, he sets Makaylyn down on the wall and looks at the knight guy. "Look! After her! Keep her safe!" said Ventus and he charges at the Unversed.

As Ventus and Herc started to fight the Unversed, the knight was keeping Makaylyn safe but suddenly he ran off to finish off the Unversed. Ventus saw this and rushed towards Makaylyn so he could save her before an Unversed could attack her.

The Knight came back and apologized to Ventus. "I'm sorry, I just want to show Phil what I've made of" "Why?" ask Ventus as he blocks the Unversed attack, the knight finishes off another Unversed. "Because he's the guy who can train me to become a true hero" Ventus just thunder and finished another Unversed. "A Hero?" The Knight nods. Ventus, the Knight and Herc finished all the Unversed.

Ventus went and picked up Makaylyn and carried her over where the rest were at. "Okay...change of plans" Phil started, this got the knight excited "The Games are coming up. So I'm gonna watch both of your matches...then I'll decide which of you rookies I wanna train" "Sweet! Thank you, thank you! I'm gonna go sign up right now!" said the Knight as he started to run. "The Games huh? Sounds fun!" said Ventus but then he looked down at Makaylyn. He then heard the conversation between Herc and Phil.

After Phil left Ventus saw Herc sad and decided to cheer him up. "Hey, cheer up! So you gotta fight a couple of matches, no big deal. I'm Ventus. Want me to help you train?" "You'd really do that for me?" ask Herc, Ventus nods, Herc smiles "Thanks, Ventus. I'm Hercules. Herc for short" he then pulls out his hand waiting for Ventus to shake but realizes he has a girl in his arms. "I'm sorry but who's that?" "Right, this is my friend Makaylyn and she needs some help. Can you help me?" Herc nods, "Follow me, I can take you to the Coliseum where she can rest" Ventus then follows Hercules into the world of Olympus Coliseum.

Once the two reach the Coliseum, Hercules shows Ventus where he can put Makaylyn as she rests. "Here, you can set her down right here. And we can train over here" he said as he pointed in the direction. "So that way you can keep an eye on her, oh and here are some banagages that I got from Phil" Hercules gives the bandages to Ventus, as Ventus puts them on the wounds. 'I wish I had some potions or at least known cure' he thought.

"She means something to you, doesn't she?"

Ventus turns and looks at Hercules and blushes at his words. "Well, yeah...I have known Makaylyn for a long time now. She means...everything to me" ''Well when she wakes up you can tell her that" Ventus thought for a moment, he knew he had a crush on Makaylyn on the day that Terra knew Ventus had a crush on. "Maybe...but..." Ventus sighs "Can I ask you something...?" "Uh yeah! What is it?"

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