14 - forget me not

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vinnie chuckles at that, leaning back slightly into the wheelchair.

"so where are we going?"

"wherever you want."

he turns around, smirking back at you.

"can we go get snacks? like at a vending machine? i'm so sick of hospital food."

"sure, we can make it a daily thing. as long as jett and kas don't try to interfere."

"or aaron."

you sigh and turn the corner, wheeling him down the hallway that has vending machines.

"yeah. or him."

"what's my snack limit?"

"limit? you can get whatever you want, just don't get too much or you'll get sick if you eat it all at once."

"that makes no sense."

"you've been eating hospital food for like a week. a major switch like that is gonna make your digestive system go haywire and you'll end up with a stomach ache. it's common sense."

"to be fair, i have a head injury. common sense isn't something i'm strong in at the moment."

"at the moment?" you laugh and stop pushing the wheelchair down the hallway.

he turns around to face you, puzzled.

"when were you EVER strong in the common sense department?"

his face drops and he turns back around, "rude."

"i see your ability to take a joke has dropped severely, too."

"oh shut up, i just want my snacks."

once you reach the vending machines, you let him pick out what he wants and get yourself snacks, too.

he got poptarts and doritos, and you got a snickers bar and poptarts.

he got strawberry poptarts, as always, and you got the s'more poptarts.

you rolled him into the cafeteria and sat beside him in a chair at one of the empty tables.

you unwrap your poptarts and take a bite into one of them.

"can i try those?" he's starting intently at you.

"sure," you slide the package over, the other poptart still in it.

he takes a bite and you immediately know you aren't getting your poptart back.

"you can have it."

he stops, mid-chew, and scrunches his face up.

"what? how did you know i was gonna ask to have the whole thing?"

you shrug, "just a hunch."

he slides his package to you, one of the poptarts still inside.

"now we're even." he grins at you, practically blushing.

"we should get back soon, i don't want jett or kas to throw a fit."

he scrunches his face up again, "who?"

are you fucking kidding me?

"jett and kas? kasia? you know, our friends?"

"i'm sorry but i genuinely have no idea who those people are."

"but you—. you knew who they were earlier, what happened?"

"you're asking me?"

he laughs as you sink down, further into your chair, wishing it could completely consume you.

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