The Port Mafia- chapter 2

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The Port Mafia halls seemed to stretch on forever, and the intense, threatening aura of the empty hall they walked in was nauseating. Her hands began to shake. Hoping to distract herself from the sickening silence, she looked at a beautiful stained glass window. A short lived moment of peace washed over her as she looked at her guide.

'Chuuya, huh? He looks so confident here...'

A chill ran down her spine as they arrived at a door guarded by two heavily armed men in black suits. They both looked at Chuuya and nodded.

"We've been requested by the boss." He said to them. The guards eyed her suspiciously then looked back to him and nodded again.

"Go ahead."

'Chuuya must be a very highly respected figure in the mafia.' She thought to herself. He had been receiving that kind of treatment from every single person they had passed since entering the building. She continued to stare in awe. 'What have I gotten myself into?'

"You coming or not?" He glared at her impatiently.

She blinked and came back to reality. "Yeah, sorry."

Upon entering the room she was immediately crushed by the menacing aura coming from a man sitting in a chair that faced a window large enough to cover the entire wall. He didn't turn to look at either of them. Instead, he took a sip of a cup of tea that sat on a small table next to him.

"Boss, this is the one I told you about." Chuuya spoke first.

The man turned to face them with a bone chilling smile. He seemed to be pretty tall, even though he was sitting. He had jaw length black hair and deep violet eyes. He looked calm, but when he met her gaze the hair on the back of her neck stood on end and her heart pounded like she was about to be killed where she stood. Frozen in fear, she stood knowing there was no hope of escaping.

"Now now, you weren't brought here just for me to kill you, so you can relax. My name is Mori. Come, sit. Both of you." He motioned for them to sit in the two chairs at his sides.

She turned to Chuuya in a last desperate attempt for reassurance. He seemed completely unfazed as he sat. He looked back at her with a scowl. He raised an eyebrow at her until she moved to sit down.

Their brief exchange made the man known as Mori chuckle. He looked over her. "Tell me about this ability you have, don't spare me any details." He leaned down to rest his chin on his hands.

"My ability's name is Born a Hero. It allows me to essentially possess anyone I touch, and from their body I can access their thoughts, feelings, and memories. Any knowledge they have becomes mine as well. My body ceases to exist outside of the person until I release the ability. Any wounds made will remain on the person and not affect my own body, this includes death, however I cannot maintain possession of a dead body. That's about it." She looked up to see Chuuya's jaw dropped and Mori's face exuding pure delight.

"I see, that's quite the useful ability you have there, miss... What was your name again?" Mori asked.

"Y/n." She replied.

"Well miss y/n, I think you'd do well for the Port Mafia. An ability like that would be a shame to waste on a dead thief." He was clearly threatening her.

"It would be my honor, thank you for sparing my life. I'll do whatever must be done." She said, knowing she didn't have a choice.

"Perfect, you'll be an interesting pawn." Mori turned to Chuuya. "Chuuya, I'll be entrusting her care to you, seeing as you've already seen this ability firsthand. Take good care of her, I have high expectations."

"Thank you, boss. I'm confident she will live up to your expectations." Chuuya replied in a tone of unfathomable respect that she had never heard from him.

"Now then, you two have some combat training to do I believe." Mori took another sip of his tea.

"Yes, please excuse us." Chuuya stood up and bowed to his boss. He turned to her and motioned for her to follow him yet again, to which she obliged.

As soon as they left the room she let out a deep sigh she didn't even realize she had been holding in. "That was probably one of the top five scariest things that I've ever seen. So that was the head of the Port Mafia." She turned to Chuuya. "Does he always look like he's weighing out how useful your life will be to him?"

"You're just lucky to be alive. Since you're under my direct supervision, it's my responsibility to make sure you don't die. How good are you at hand to hand combat. You had good reaction speed, but you never actually fought back." Chuuya questioned, crossing his arms.

"Well I wouldn't know because I've never actually been in a fighting kind of fight. I usually just possess whoever is giving me trouble so I can just avoid any actual combat." She admitted.

He groaned at his misfortune. "Then we have a lot of training ahead of us."

He brought her to an apartment building. He had told her it was one of many that housed most of the mafia's numbers. He gave her a key to one of the apartments and told her to meet him on the roof at dawn to start their martial arts lessons. He left after showing her her door.

She turned the key in the door half expecting it not to work and half expecting it to work only for her to be shot as soon as the door opened. Cautiously, she opened the door to find a fully furnished and very nice apartment. She looked around, but everything looked to be exactly what it seemed. No tricks or secrets, just a one bedroom apartment with high end furniture. Her attention was drawn to the living room window looking out over the city.

'If I'd known joining the mafia came with my own living space, I would've joined ages ago.' She thought to herself, only half joking. Deciding it would be safest for her to rest as Chuuya told her to, she made her way to the bedroom. Dawn was only a few hours away; she laid in the bed and set a few alarms for herself to be there on time, drifting off to sleep in almost no time at all.

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