"That's why you stay away from me, people search for me all the time."

"But you're just a little girl---"

"SHUT UP. GO AWAY." I yell, grabbing the knife from my boot, "Go away. I have to go find my dinner."

"I-I have dinner, y-you can share it with me if you want." Stacey whispers. He reminded me of an emotional Levi. "Let me stay with you."

It seemed all to familiar, this moment.

Levi had let me stay with him, Isabel, and Farlen the last month they were here. I had gone back to my alley way that night to look for food, that's when they all got caught. I didn't know at the time it was for a job, but I didn't know for sure now, if it even was a job. I had begged Levi to let me stay with him, to teach me how to use the 3d maneuvering Device I had stolen. He caved, and then once I was a pro at the device, he had left.

I sit there, staring at Stacey for a while, then nod. "You remind me of myself." I say.

Stacey hands me my dinner and I thank him, then eat.


"He left a few months later, just disappeared. It crushed me, not as much as I had been crushed when you left, but I had scars. A while after, I came to join the cadets, finally being old enough. I learned that Isabel and Farlen had died." I stop talking and run my hands through my hair. "I saw you and the first thing I was going to do was tell you it was me. I saw Petra talking to you, and chickened out. Erd, Olou, Petra, Gunther, they all seemed like a happy family when they were with you, but you never smiled. Not even your smirks and laughs like when I was with you."

I stare at the floor. Levi was still now, he was staring at me. My vision started to blur but I moved on.

"You had nothing left. No family or friends. And once you added me, choose me for your squad, I was happy. I could get close to you again. After I let all our friends get killed, after I left and you fell into a coma, I knew that if you died I would die too. I'm not as strong as you, Levi. And--and you're all I have, all I love. I have friends, but I don't let them in, I keep them distanced. I let you in, and when you were asleep, I--I didn't know what to do. I thought you were going to die and all you would remember me as was the one that killed squad LEvi and y-ou." My voice cracks, I look down and put my hand in my face.

"Y/n." Levi whispers, sitting on the bed next to me. "I'm sorry. Stop crying."

I start to sob, I couldn't hold it back anymore. I knew I would break down sometime but I didn't think it would be in front of Levi.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I hic. Levi embraces me as I let out a loud sob. I grasp him and hold him tight, breaking down in his arms.

"It's okay, Y/n. I'm here now, forever. I love you." Levi says, running his hand down my hair. I nod and cry into his shirt still. After a while, I calm down and change into Levi's shirt again.

"I'm sorry I troubled you, Levi." I say. "I love you too."

"It's fine, Y/n. Everyone needs to cry sometimes, except for me. I never cry." Levi has a kind of sarcasm in his voice, but I'm not sure he knew it was there.

"Well, that's good." I say. "And, Levi, what was Erwin needing?"

"Erwin is taking us on another expedition. Another attempt to take back Maria." Levi says. "He wanted me to also tell you that he wants you to be a captain this mission."

My eyes widen for a moment. 'A captain, Erwin wants me to be a captain!'

"Yes!" I say, smiling.

"Stacey will be on your squad, as two other cadets. You understand that you must protect them with your life, right?"

"Yes, Levi, sir." I say.

"Now come here,"

Levi hugs me again, and then kisses my forehead. He kisses my cheek, then my lips. I kiss back almost immediately, our lips move in sync and Levi pulls me closer than we had ever been able to be before. He lays me on the bed again, and kisses me softly. My body tenses again for a moment as he moves down my neck and towards my chest.

"Levi." I whisper.

Levi kisses my lips again and rubs behind my neck. I kiss him still, the kiss deepening and becoming rougher. Levi tickles my side, making me squeal, then he lets out a small laugh and kisses me again.

"I love you, brat." He says into my hair.

"I love you too, Levi." I say, grinning.

Levi kisses my neck, then sweetly puts his arm around me and let's me cuddle him.

••• (Morning) •••

I wake up and see that Levi had already gone for break fast. I walk to the bathroom, grabbing my clothes, and stare in the mirror. I almost scream, I had a hickey on my neck, it was so noticeable.

"Damn it Levi." I whisper to myself. I get dressed and see that it was still not covered. I grab one of his scarfs and wrap it around me, 'I'm going to burn. It's so hot today, too.'

I walk to the dining hall, bright red, and open the door. I see Levi grabbing two plates of food, when he sees me he nods to the table and I sit down with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa.

"Hey, Y/n? Why do you have a scarf on?" Armin asks, giggling.

"I-I JUST WANTED TO W-WEAR IT!" I spit out, flustered. Eren looks at me and then his eyes widen and he laughs.


"Y/n are they giving you trouble?" Levi comes up behind me and puts his arm around me. "Why are you wearing my scarf?"

I shoot him a small glare as he drinks his water. When he looks at me, I lick my lips and look at his neck. He slams his hand over his mouth and water runs down his fingers. He swallows the water he managed to keep in his mouth and looks at me, a little flustered.

"Oh. . ." He says. "Do you know what squad you are going to be in this expedition?" He looks at Eren, Armin, and Mikasa.

"No, only Eren knows because he's with you." Mikasa says.

"Then you don't know who is going to be in Y/n's squad?" Levi says, amused. I punch his shoulder.

"I thought we weren't supposed to tell them yet!" I hiss.

"Oh well, I don't care what Erwin says."

Eren, Armin, and Mikasa stare at me then smile. "Congrats, Y/n! Finally your dream has come true." Eren jokes, winking at me.

"Shut up, Eren." I laugh. "I'm not particularly happy about it, I can't stay with Levi."

Levi smirks and takes my hand, helping me up. "Let's go find Stacey, he'll know."

I nod and walk with Levi to find Stacey. "Sorry." Levi says.

"About what?"

"Your neck. I didn't mean to. . ." I laugh.

"Don't worry about it, I'll just say I'm cold?" The statement comes out as a question. I laugh again.

Levi smirks and turns the corner, then pushes me against the wall, kissing me. "You won't mind if I give you another one?" He says, kissing down my neck again. I let out a moan and then blush and close my mouth. Levi lets out a small laugh again. I kiss his lips and then release, making him sigh.

"We. . . We better go." I smile, laughing. We run off to find Stacey, and find out the cadets that we're going to be in my squad. Wrin Trose and Kaccee Drina. (A/n: Made up characters)

They're supposed to be great fighters, and I had a week or two to become friends with them.

Hey, Y/n! so first of all this chapter dragged on forever. Second, the feels are about to come up and stab you. third, hope you enjoy and have a nice day :P Luv you ~Maddie

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