"Is too." whined Derek I rolled my eyes, laughed then made my way to the kitchen. Derek followed soon after. About a half an hour later we made a great lunch. I was taking the cookies out of the oven when the door bell rang. "Derek can you get that please." I yelled because he was upstairs. 

"Yeah, just a minute." said Derek as I heard foot steps descending down the stairs. Once I set the cookies out to cool I heard the front door open and I smelt the entire pack in the living room. "So Derek you said there was something we needed to talk about." said Scott. 

"Are you finally going to tell us about this secret mate?" asked Lydia with excitement. "Wait, you guys haven't met Victoria yet." said Peter. "Wait, Peter met our mate before us." said Isaac. I could hear the hurt in his voice. "Only by accident." said Derek. "So we are going to meet her?" asked Liam.

"Yeah, just a minute." said Derek. I heard Derek come into the kitchen. I know he could feel my nervousness. 'Hey Tori, everything will be ok. They already loved you when you went to school with them.' said Derek through our mind link. 'Yeah, but that's before we met.' I sent in our mind link.

'Ok, how about this. If they don't like you I'll drop them.' said Derek in the mind link. 'I can't ask you to do that and I won't' I said in the mind link. 'You're not asking, I'm telling you.' replied Derek in the mind link. I shook my head. We both walked into the living room together. Everyone turned to us. 

"Tori what are you doing here?" asked Scott. Stiles eyes widen in realization. "No way, your Derek's mate aren't you." said Stiles in surprise. "Yeah, I am." I said. I see the entire pack look shocked. "Wait, so you were the wolf in the woods." said Scott. I nod. "Yeah, but there is something else." I said. 

"What is it?" asked Scott. "You know Finn right." I said to Scott. "Yeah." said Scott and Isaac. "He's not actually my dad he's my uncle. My real dad is someone very dangerous. I'm telling you this now because I know he's going to try and use you guys to get to me." I said.

"Wait, so you're an evolved wolf." said Scott. "No, I'm actually a hybrid of 5 different things." I said. "Why didn't you tell us?" asked Malia. "Because that was before he came to Beacon Hills and I wanted to keep you guys safe as much as I could." I said. "Why is your dad so dangerous?" asked Aiden. 

"Because he's the original hybrid." I said. "What's that?" asked Mason. "Have you ever heard of the original vampires?" I asked. Most of them shook their heads no. "An original vampire is the first vampire ever created. They are the oldest, fastest, strongest, and most powerful vampires in the world. They are over a thousand years old." I said."And your dad's one." said Alison. 

"No, my uncles and aunt are original vampires. But my dad was the result of an affair between my grandmother and a werewolf that she fell in love with after my oldest sister died and my step grandfather Mikael became cold and distant. Once Mikael found out my grandmother was pregnant he was ecstatic." I said then continued.

No one even figured out he was the result of an affair until my grandmother created the spell that turned them into vampires. And my Dad broke the curse." I said. "What curse?" asked Ethan. "Unlike you guys there are werewolves that have a curse basically if they kill someone whether it was an accident or on purpose. On the next full moon they break all of their bones and turn into a full wolf." I said. "So your dad broke all of his bones?" asked Corey. 

"No, during his transformation he was tied up and my grandmother created a spell that would take away his wolf side. He spent 1,000 years trying to break it. He broke it about 18 years ago. due to him being a hybrid he was able to have kids but because he was part vampire he thought he was sterile but his werewolf was natures loophole that's how he was able to have me." I said.

"But wait you said you were a hybrid of five things that's only two." said Erica. "Yeah, but like my grandmother I got the witch gene. But also something from my mother and her father too." I said. "Wait, but you said that your dad's here. Why is he here?" asked Stiles. 

"It's a long story but what you need to know is that he's dangerous and can get away with anything because he can compel anyone that's why I want you to be careful and put this in everything you can whether it's food or something to drink or put it in something like a bracelet or a necklace that has a pocket and you never take off." I said putting vervain on the table.

"What's that?" asked Liam. "It's vervain it's like acid to vampires. It also stops vampires from compelling you." I said. "What does compel mean?" asked Scott. "Compel is like mind control." I said. "Seriously." said Isaac. "Yeah." I said. "Wait then why are you giving us this." said Malia. "Because I want you guys to be safe." I said. 

Everyone nods. "So are we going to move past the fact that Derek and Tori are mates?" asked Boyd. "I mean as long as they are happy." said Scott. I see everyone nod their heads in agreement. "Wait a minute. If the two of you are mates that means Scott and Derek are cousins because Tori's uncle is Melissa's mate." said Lydia with a big smile.

"Yeah, and I'm also cousins with Kira because Malia's Derek's cousin and Kira and Malia are mates." I said. "Is it me or does anyone else smell cookies?" asked Stiles. "I baked them before you guys got here I also made lunch because I didn't know if you guys ate breakfast or not." I said. 

"I say we keep her." said Stiles. The pack laughed and we all went into the kitchen and ate together. Once everyone was done eating they all left because they had things to do. "That definitely went better than I thought." I said. "See I told you they would love you." said Derek.


Sorry it took this long but I honestly had no inspiration. But I will try to update soon.

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