Chap 14

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No one's POV

It has been a week since Sana has been discharged from the hospital and a week since Sana and Tzuyu last met. Due to heavy schedules, Sana had no time to contact Tzuyu.

After having only 3 days of rest Sana had multiple photoshoots that had to be done. Well for Tzuyu, her and Mina's company are doing great. They both agreed and started just a few days ago, Tzuyu trusts Mina's business skills and Mina does too, Though the past isn't quite the same.

" So tired.. " Sana melted on her couch sighing, " So bored too... " She added.

" Oh Sana you're back! " Momo randomly came out of the bathroom

" Momo? Why're you in my house? " Sana was surprised by the woman currently looking through her fridge

" Hm? Oh I didn't have anything to do, so I decided to stop by here but you weren't home so I sneaked in. " Momo casually said

" Momo that's trespassing! " Sana scoffed at the black haired woman,

" It's not if you're friends with the owner no? " Momo grabbed something out of the fridge as she prepared cereal.

" Still- Ugh.... Im just tired.. " Sana closed her eyes, resting. " Well atleast i have company.. " all though it's not the best.. Sana thought.

" So, How's life? " Momo started as she sat down on the couch beside Sana,

" Tiring, especially when you're in it.. " Sana rubbed her temples

" Hm! mm trwna aswk a decwent questieon hewere!! " Momo spoke with cereal in her mouth

" Don't talk when your mouths full. You're spilling milk everywhere " Sana wiped her face with droplets of milk, " This is disgusting Momo have you even brushed your teeth? "

" Next question please. "

" Ew.. so you didn't-"

" Anyways..! How's that Chou person? " Momo Dodged the question as she continued

" Oh Tzuyu? Well she's... very... nice..? " Sana doubted that sentence. Is Tzuyu even nice to her? Well,  there are some moments but....

" You sound confused " the woman with bangs fed herself another spoonful of cereal, " Dows shwe Laike yu? "

" Stop it Momo, I cannot understand anything you are saying "

" Sorry? " She gulped the cereal down, " You said she liked you right? "

" Oh yeah about that.. " Sana thinked deeply, " Im not sure actually "

" So you assumed or guessed? "

" No not really! I mean she's showing signs..? like, shes nice to me sometimes but that's how she really is.. "

" One-sided love.. Oh how i feel so bad Sanake.. " Momo dramatically acted

" Oh stop it! Its not one sided! "

" Do you actually have feelings for her though? " Momo asked a question that Sana was actually confused about, Does she actually like Tzuyu? She has crushes from time to time but she ends up losing feelings as soon as they confess.

Is it the same for Tzuyu?

" Hello? Sana to Earth? Earth to Sana? " Momo waved her hand infront of the bothered woman

" Aghh!! I'll go get some sleep Momo. " She stood up, walking towards her bedroom as she slams the door down

" Jesus what is her problem.. She's so cranky these days... " Momo continued eating her cereal.

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