twenty-seven: it's like a happy ending

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TW: violence/blood topic/murder (not too strong but still better to say something than nothing)

"I want to see him"

"You can't-"

"I want to know the face of someone who ruined my life all long. Even if I promised myself i won't even do what I was forced to, I have to see him" Miyeon stood up hitting her hands on the table

"I'm not letting you go there-"

"Eunwoo" Mr. Uri cut them both off as he walked in sighing while taking off the bloody gloves "Let her go, I'll be with her just in case"


"Have an eye on the guests for me, I'll have Rocky and MJ with me just in case" he chuckled as Eunwoo nodded at him leaving the room

Opening the rusty doors the girl looked around the dark room, before spotting bruised body of the one who were part of the madness

"You bastard" she scoffed as she got to him and roughly grabbed his hair back making him face her "why did you all do it?!"

"Looks like... You listened to me huh" he coughed as his eyes went to Mr. Uri's cold gaze "I want to talk alone to her"

"Not gonna happen" Rocky said crossing his arms

"Then I won't say a..... world just like how I did with all... of you" he said with pain from all the bruised and wounds he has gotten

"I don't need to know a shit to have reason to kill you myself" she said tripping his head and grabbing a wooden stick hitting his stomach and side

The pain scream satisfied her so she hit other side making him cry in pain

"Your death should really be as painful and long as the time I had to work under these drugs for you and your fucking father" she dropped the stick as the hanging in the wall man breathed loudly yet weakly

"Uncle... Rocky MJ please, leave me with him for 10 minutes, if I won't get out of the room by the time. Barge in with no secind left" she said turning to the three man

"We don't leave you with that psycho-"

"5 minutes. I'm setting the alarm" Mr. Uri said before leaving the room, which lead Rocky and MJ to follow him with no words spoken

"Five minutes pass- Miyeon!?" Mr. Uri run up to her dropped on knees bloody body as she had knife next to her "Miyeon are you okay?"

"I-I wanna talk to Mom... I want her to know I never hated her" she cried as she hugged her knees as the dead body hung in front of her fully covered in own blood

"Sweetie... You have a cut on you gave" Rocky added as he hold her face slightly titling it right wiping the tears

"I did that by accident..." She sobbed as she moved his hands off her face and wiped it with her sleeves

"You should change, you're covered in blood" MJ sighed as he saw all the cuts holes and splits in the dead body

"You did a good job, don't ever regret taking revenge" Mr. Uri hugged her back as she smiled nodding

"I-I feel...a part of me being released" she added before chuckling "can you help me up Rocky? I kicked him so hard I felt my leg going numb" she added

"Sure, hop on my back" Rocky laughed as Minjae helped herself up and hold his shoulders as support

"Rocky will take you to spare bathroom upstairs, and I'll ask my wife for clothes, MJ call Sanha to clean her cut, and tell others to clean up the bloody mess she left here" Mr. Uri said fixing his shirt as MJ nodded leaving room with two others

After she got changed and checked, she went downstairs to meet with many eyes, and one especially worried person. Creasing her face as he placed a kiss not caring if others know or not

"Don't do shit like this again, you've been my girlfriend for only 2 days and I'm not letting you just die" he scoffed hugging her to his body

"since when you're so soft?" She smiled hugging him back

"I'm not, it's side of me only for you" he smiled

"Okay someone tell me what the fuck just happened?" Eric asked breaking the silence as everyone burst our laughing

"Since when you two are- how come you- what?" Kevin's brain went thought a explosion as he never knew his party-lover friend would ever date anyone ESPECIALLY a friend of his who's exactly like her

"It's a long story, but I think more important is that we're free from the always creeping at us danger" she said

"But, you're fine right?" Younghoon asked with worried look as she nodded

"The bastard is gone, I think we all can rest for a while and give ourselves a break" Mr. Uri said as his wife picked out a letter

"Mommy in the letter?" Minyang asked curiously

"Good you asked sweetie" Mrs. Uri ruffled her son's hair as she handed it to Miyeon "open it"

Taking the letter she opened it and took out 12 plane tickets to the States, and a card inviting all of them to a wedding

"SUJIN AND MARK ARE GETTING MARRIED?!" she shouted excites as everyone gasped

"I've made my way to contact her and gave her the idea. Our Boys will on the other hand go to the vacation, and all of you will stay at our mansion there."

"Aunty I'd love to hug you so bad but idk if I can, I'm scared to hurt the baby-"

"Don't be radiculus Sweetie, come here" she spread her arms as Miyeon walked to hwr and hugged her

"Group huh with mommy!" Nayeon pushed her older brother along with Mr. Uri, that later got others

Sharing the happy moment of relief, happiness, they felt light and good knowing they had won the fight. It was like a happy ending to them afer all, like a bad story with perfectly fine ending.




JK 🤩

I'm not finished, not yet ;))))

I'll definitely add some more of the story chapters,
but not now since I'm really fighting with math teacher, she hates me for not showing what I can, but like... I can't do shit at math man- 😃

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