Burrito Bucket

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Babs: "In a world hungry for justice, where citizens thirst for righteousness, and yearn for the taste of freedom, one woman's there to serve them the liberty they so desperately crave. And also, burritos."

She said as she puts on her work outfit to start getting ready work called "Burrito Bucket".

Babs: "Buckets and buckets of burritos."

Babs walked out of the restroom whistling, and starts getting to work.

???: "Gordon!"

Babs jumped and sees her boss who's unhappy while tapping his foot.

Babs: "Buenos dias, Shane."

Shane: "That's Mr. O'Shaughnessy to you! And you're late. Again!"

Babs: "I am?"

She as she looked at the clock, and she was late.

Shane: "That's the sixth time this week, Gordon, and it's only Monday!"

Babs: "Oh, sorry, Shane. Er, Mr. O'Shaughnessy, sir."

Shane: "Listen, Gordon, some people know the importance of a good work ethic. Punctuality, responsibility. Some people take their job seriously."

He said as he grabbed her mini sombrero, and puts it on her which covers her eyes.

Babs: "Believe you me, Senor O'Shaughnessy, nothing's more important to me than this job. I love Burrito Bucket. I've been a fan of Burrito Bucket since I was five!"

She said as she showed him a picture of five year old Babs from her phone.

Shane: "Whatever. It you're late one more time, today, tomorrow, for the rest of your life, you're fired!"

He said as Babs is shocked as her mini sombrero popped out of her head.

Babs: "Fired? Could this be the end for a habanero heroine, our enchilada enforcer, our lady sentinel of the sacred bean? No!"

Shane: "What?"

Babs: "Nothing."

She said nervously as her boss walks away.

Babs: "From here on out, I'll be the master of time management, the crusader of the clock, the expert of hours."

She said as someone came in the restaurant it's none other than Y/N.

Babs: "Hi, Y/N."

Y/N: "Hey, Babs."

Babs: "Is there anything you want?

Y/N: "Yeah, I'll just have a taco to go."

He said as Babs is make a taco for him.

Y/N: "So anything going on?"

Babs: "Well today I was late from work again. But this time I'm going to be the master of time management."

Y/N hears this news which gives him a bad feeling about this.

Y/N: "Uh, Babs. I do like your couragement, and stuff but what you told me. I don't think it's good idea."

Babs: "What do you mean?"

Y/N: "Well, it's just that the condition your in. I don't think it's a good idea to be hero, and work at the same time. You have me, and your friends, you could uses some a little help."

Babs: "That's nice of you, but don't worry I could handle this."

She said giving him the taco.

Y/N: "Ok. But if your have trouble. Call us."

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