Hate Triangle

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In outer space, Jessica Cruz and Hal Jordon in they're Green Lantern outfits. As they where battling they stopped, and Hal constructed a staff and going for a battle stance.

Green Lantern (Hal): "This is it! I got you pinned inside the tent, staring at an all-out blitz."

Green Lantern (Jessica): "Wait. What? What does that mean?"

Hal charges at her ready to attack, then Jessica constructs a staff as well and she blocks every attack, and they clashed.

???: "No, no, no."

They stopped fight as they look up to see Kilowog standing on a asteroid upside down. So they got rid of their staffs as they fly towards him and the landed on the asteroid.

Kilowog: "I don't get, Cruz, what's the plan here? Hope the pizza guy happens by and distracts him?"

Green Lantern (Hal): "Eh, could be a good strategy, actually."

Kilowog: "Quiet, Jordon! If you were fightin anyone other than this poozer, you'd be in the infirmary right now."

Green Lantern (Hal): "I told you, Kilowog, Jess doesn't fight."

Kilowog: (grunts) "In the Green Lantern Corps, everyone fights."

He said as he constructed a war hammer, and Jessica constructed a shield to protect herself with. As she blocks every attacks by Kilowog.

Kilowog: "Your weight is only as strong as your willpower. Fear weakens your mind. It renders you're weight useless."

Kilowog breaks Jessica shield, which cause her to push back.

Kilowog: "Why don't you fight back? Are you afraid?"

He said ready for a strike with his war hammer.

Green Lantern (Jessica): "I'm not afraid!"

She said created a octopus at Kilowog before he could attack, and it causes Hal to laugh.

Green Lantern (Hal): "She's beating you with sushi."

Kilowog took the octopus off of his face and he looks down to see Jessica as she constructed a rug which Kilowog was standing on, and she pulls the rug which causes him to fall on the ground defeated.

Green Lantern (Jessica): "I just believe that when it comes to fighting, there's always another way."

Kilowog: "You got lucky. Well, you won't be able to keep that up, forever. Sooner or later, you will have to learn to fight."

At Metropolis High Homecoming game Hal and Jessica fly down and transformed into they're regular clothes, and they start walking at the football field.

Hal: "Yeah, Kilowog's right, you know. You're gonna have to hit someone, eventually."

Jessica: "Oh, Hal, must you be so wrong about so many things?"

???: "Hey, Jess."

Jessica turn to see where the sound is coming from, and revealed to be Y/N as he walks towards them.

Jessica: "Oh, hi, Y/N."

Hal: "Ah, Jess. Who is this?"

Jessica: "Oh, right, Hal. This is, Y/N. And Y/N this is, Hal."

Y/N: "Hal? Oh, so your Jessica's friend that she told me about. It's nice to see you person."

He said shaking Hal's hand, and Hal did the same.

Hal: "Thanks. You too."

Y/N: "So. What are guys talking about?"

Jessica: "We we're just talking about that I got to hit someone. But I won't."

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