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Seto really can hold a grudge.

He's still fuming, and it's been !2 HOURS! He stubbornly refused to get anything for his room. I bought about 10 motivational paintings, and I intend on using them all. Turns out that I didn't even need him after all... Geez, a beanbag and a couple of sheets of paper really aren't that heavy.

We slump back to our dorms, and to my surprise, there's someone waiting outside Seto's door.

"Hey Oren!" Seto exclaims. His face shows real and absolute joy, an emotion that I haven't seen before.

A boy leans by Seto's door. He has cinnamon hair that falls carelessly in clumps. His amber eyes are framed by ridiculously long eyelashes that flick upwards. I want to ask him if he is wearing fake eyelashes. I refrain... he'll probably be offended. Cute, but not 'Seto' cute, and hot, but not 'Lachlan' hot.

Seto dives to bear hug him with no hesitation, and Oren smiles, before quickly returning the favour. I take a cautious step back, feeling like the third wheel. Once they start attempting to strangle each other, I quickly enter my room, feeling intrusive, as if I interrupted a special moment.

I slump into my bed, which is in the living room. There are only two room in my little flat, the kitchen/living room/bedroom and the toilet. It's 8:00pm and I have no homework since it's the first day... I open up my laptop and indulge into the great and wonderful world of anime, social media, league of legends and literacy.

I think I can hear laughing and shouting from next door, but the thought of Seto laughing, yet alone that loud, seems almost alien to me.

Eventually, my eyes start getting sore, and I slip of my glasses onto the kitchen counter. I curl up into a ball, like a fox, trying to warm up my cold toes. I give up and eventually fall asleep, reliving plot lines.

I wake up to my alarm. Being the light sleeper that I am, I give myself ten seconds before I leap out of bed with more energy than a normal person should have at 7:30am. I'm well rested, since I didn't didn't really do anything yesterday. I open up the fridge... Shoot. I FORGOT TO BUY THE GROCERIES. I perform mental and physical facepalms as I remember that I got so carried away choosing a beanbag with a sunrise like gradient cover that I totally forgot about groceries. *sigh* Taking care if yourself is harder than it seems...

I slump into that beanbag now, as I ponder my options. It'll be way too weird of I go and ask Seto for food again... Besides, he might think I like him or something... Well, I do like him, well kind of, so he'd be spot on but...

I halt my mental train of thought and park the mental debate aside for later. It can wait till later. I'm great at hiding my feelings. I'm not some depressed freak or anything but sometimes it is just more convenient to differ slightly from your true colours. This too, in a way, is part of my personality. I guess when I justify it like this, it sounds socially acceptable. Oh well, like they say, 'Life is not about finding yourself. It is about creating yourself.'

I quickly dress in the same thing that I wore yesterday, take care of my personal hygiene routine and decide to just buy some cholesterol high breakfast (a.k.a fast food.)

I grab my bag and head out, checking my watch as I lock the door. It's 8 right now. As school starts at 9, I should be able to make it back in time. The hallways are dark and imposing in the mornings, and I can't hear any noise at all coming from Seto's room. Once I escape the elevator, the first rays of morning light are starting to emerge.

I feel so refreshed and inspired. Words can't really describe why. Seeing a sunrise, or sunset, even as a little child, has always filled me with such hope, and such contentment, that I would suddenly feel invincible. I just wish, that somehow, I could capture the moment.

Oh well, quite often the best things in life can never be captures, and secured, like humans for example. You can try and brand them with stereotypes, but there will always be one that breaks free. There are many things in life that you cannot capture, with a camera, markers, or even words.

I've tried all 3 in order to recreate that sunrise and sunset feeling and none of them have worked. Since I'm a real bookworm and otaku (a.k.a anime addict) I've always wanted to watch either one of them with someone special, because it would satisfy the 'cliche'ness that secretly lives in me.

I get distracted so easily. I guess this 'distracted'ness, or should I creativeness, may very we'll be the thing that gives me that extra edge in my writing. I start waking in a straight line away from school, so that I can't get lost.

Five minutes later, I've finally left the school grounds... Why is this school so big? And why do we have so many football fields? And netball courts? The list goes on...

I figured it shouldn't be too hard to find a fast food outlet, but all I'm finding is fitness clubs, high class restuarants, and boutiques. Finally, I spot a dairy, and I rush towards it, praying that it's open. It is, and my stomach and I exhale in relief.

The shop assistant looks like he doesn't really want to be here, and doesn't even look up from his phone. To food here is odd though, not what I'd expect from a dairy... The aisles of confectionary are missing. As I wander along the aisles, I discover a door, labelled 'TO THE GYM". Mental lightbulbs go off and I realise that this diary I'd just really just an extension of the gym. I check my watch... 8:30. I should have time to buy and drop of some groceries...

I end up stuffing a Danish in my mouth and a pie in my bag. I hope the guy doesn't think I'm stealing. Now for groceries... I'm really at a loss here... I grab a loaf of bread, a litre of milk, a dozen eggs, some jerkey and then I run out of things to buy. How am I even going to make dinner anyway? I consider just getting ready made food every night, but then decide against the idea after I think of the possible health negativities.

Since it's a gym dairy, I can't really buy things like noodles, rice, and pasta, so I guess I'll be having bread and soup for dinner... I grab a cooked chicken (Free range. Can't ignore animal cruelty...) and head over to the counter. The shop assistant halfheartedly checks out my stuff, and I remember to take the pie out of my bag. I decide to grab some toffees at the last minute for emergency energy boosts.

It 8:40am and I find myself lugging my haul back to school. It'll be embarrassing if someone sees me, (which will most probably happen) but I can't help it anyway. I hurry up the elevator, ignoring the weird stares that I'm getting. I think I hear someone say something about Home Economics...

There's still no sound from Seto's room as I hurry into my room mad shove everything, still in its bags, into the fridge.

I allow myself five minutes to rest on the bed, and then decide to head out. I have an instinctively bad feeling about today Lachlan's definitely going to try something on me. Oh well. I can't exactly run from him. We do go to the same school, and we even share most of our classes...

I sigh. First world problems.

A loud crash echoes through the hallway. What?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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