Chapter Seventy-Five

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Once Marie had been able to slip away from Edgar Evercharming, she had convinced her twin to let their mother go. As creepy as the Farm was, Edgar had made a valid point. If their methods were truly helping Alice, why were they trying to keep her away.

"Guys!" Toni called as she hurried into the B&G office. Betty pulled off the headphones and Marie marked her spot in her book. "What's up?", Marie asked their friend as she surveyed the girl's Farm t-shirt. "Rumor is the Farm is gearing up for some big event. I think it has something to do with Edgar and your sister." Toni explained.

Marie and Betty shared a confused look. "What do you mean?", Betty questioned. "I heard a few of Edgar's inner-circle talking about how lucky Alice's daughter was to be chosen by Edgar. And they have us decorating and cooking a bunch of food." Toni elaborated.

"Oh my god. Our sister is about to marry a cult leader. That's very Bad Times at the El Royale of her." Marie quipped earning a not now look from Betty. "I couldn't pass up a perfect opportunity for that reference." Marie defended herself and opened her book back up.

Toni hesitated before continuing, "That's not all. He plans on adopting Juniper and Dagwood." Marie dropped her book in her lap and Betty choked on her coffee. "We have to get them out of there." Betty said desperately and Marie agreed. "Everyone else has made their decision, but they're just babies."

{That evening}

Betty I got your text. What is so urgent that- Oh, hi..." Marie began to say as she trudged into the B&G offices for the second time that day and saw Betty sitting with an unfamiliar woman.

"Marie this is Ms. Weiss. She's The one who helped me find Chic." Betty explained as Marie hopped up on the table to sit. "Oh, geez, thanks for that." Marie chuckled quietly. "Anyways... I called you here because I found some major dirt on Evelyn." Betty continued.

"Like what?", Marie asked as she dropped her bag on the ground. "Evelyn has been acting like a 17 year old and repeating her junior year for the past decade all over the place." Betty said with a smirk. "Oh my god." Ms. Weiss spoke up while Marie's jaw dropped. "I knew that man couldn't have a 17 year old!" Marie declared.

"I think Evelyn is sent to high school to recruit teens, while Edgar works on the town's adults. It's a cover for their cult. We just need concrete proof." Betty said triumphantly. Ms. Weiss nodded and said, "I'm happy to make some inquiries. I'll see what I can find out." Betty let out a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, Ms. Weiss."

{The next night}

Since, Auntie Penelope had only been able to get Dagwood out of the Farm, Betty had gotten Toni to sneak them in to rescue Juniper

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Since, Auntie Penelope had only been able to get Dagwood out of the Farm, Betty had gotten Toni to sneak them in to rescue Juniper. "Ok, in and out." Toni whispered as she pointed towards a door in the dark hallway. "Got it." Betty whispered back and crept into the room while the other two kept watch.

Betty tiptoed out of the room with Juniper held tightly in her arms. "Follow me." Toni whispered and began to hurry down the hallway. They were almost at the exit when a shadow appeared in the door window and the girls skidded to a stop. "This way, quick!" Toni hissed and swung open the door next to them.

"The furnace room? How are we gonna get out through...", Marie began to wonder as they hurried in but trailed of when she looked around the space. The room was filled with Farmies dressed in white and in the middle was Edgar and Polly.

"Toni, what's happening?", Betty demanded. "According to Edgar. Only what was preordained." Toni said blissfully. Marie could feel her heart pounding as Edgar locked eyes with her and smiled warmly. "No, not you too. Why?" Betty asked Toni sadly.

"Because my whole life I've been searching for a family. The Serpents. the Pretty Poisons. But I've never felt such a belonging as I do here at the Farm. " Toni explained happily and Edgar nodded proudly. "Polly you-you can't marry Edgar! He's already married to Evelyn. She's been lying about her age!" Betty pleaded with their oldest sister.

Polly let out a soft laugh and said, "I'm not marrying Edgar. Even if I was, you're able to be promised to more than one person in the Farm." Marie's eyes widened at her sister's words and Edgar staring into her soul wasn't helping her nerves.

"I thought you said they were getting married?", Marie asked Toni nervously. Toni smiled and shook her head. "I said Betty's sister and a big event. You both just assumed I was talking about Polly marrying Brother Edgar." The girl said lightly. "Oh my god." Betty gasped and pulled Marie closer to her as the Farmies started to form a circle around the twins.

"I-I don't understand. What big event and who?..." Marie chuckled awkwardly, trying to ignore that she was most likely the who. "Why are you all smiling? What is this even about? ?" Betty snapped as she took a step backwards, still holding one of Marie's hands.

"It's about you girls. Getting you both to this crossroads. Marie is ready to start a new chapter, with Edgar to guide her. And you are finally at a point where you can open your mind." Polly said sweetly.

Edgar took a step forward, making Betty pull her sister to stand by her. "Join us. Both of you." he said as he looked between the twins. Marie started to feel like her brain was filled with angry bees as her mind began to buzz.

"I have decided to... let's say mentor Marie. I believe that she can become a very valuable member in our community if I take her under my wing and teach her our ways." Edgar explained as he studied the twins. "And Betty, just as your twin is full of worry and pain, you have so much chaos and torment inside. Let us help you both." He added.

"Everyone in your life is in this room. Your mother is here. Your sister is here. Your cousin and best friends are here." Evelyn said softly. The twins looked at each other and their fear was evident. Betty didn't have to say anything for Marie to understand what she was thinking. They needed to get out of there.

Betty squeezed her sister's hand and got a small nod in response. A second later, the girls were sprinting out the way they came and to their car. "Marie is the priority, but catch them both if you can." Edgar said calmly to his followers who raced after the two youngest Coopers. 

"Marie!! Are you even running?!!" Betty shouted as they ran over the large grassy stretch that separated them and their freedom." Marie scoffed and snapped, sounding out of breath, "No, Betty, I'm appreciating the lovely night air- Of course I'm running!!". 

Betty reached the car first and flung herself into the driver's seat. Marie made the mistake of glancing over her shoulder to see if they were being followed. Oh yea, they were being chased by what seemed to be the entirety of the Farm as Edgar observed from the front steps. "It's like the walking dead!" Marie shouted to Betty as she slide across the hood of the car and dove into the seat since Betty had already opened door.

As soon as Marie had slammed her door shut, Betty locked the doors and it wasn't a moment too soon. Their pursuers had reached the car and began to pull and the handles and beat their hands on the car, telling them to stop. "What are you doing!? Drive before one of them gets a rock!" Marie snapped as tried to not look at Fangs and Kevin at her window. 

Betty pressed on the gas, making the Farmies jump out go the way and the girls flew down the dark gravel road. Marie glanced back for a second time that night, and her eyes found the silhouette of Edgar Evernever. Marie quickly turned back around and looked straight ahead as she tried not to think about the man. The girl knew that she would be seeing him very soon... whether she wanted to or not...


Opps, sorry I'm such a slow-burn writer:) 


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