harry's pov:

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after adding jackson to my contacts, i immediately start texting him. h- bold font/ j- italic font

hey, this is harry. the guy from the store. you gave me your number

hello harry, how are you, darling ??

i'm fine. how are you ??

i'm better, now that i'm talking to you, princess ;)

'what am i supposed to say to that ??' i ask the boys, as the three of them are sitting around me, reading the text messages.

'change the subject, or something.' niall said.

'i agree with nialler.' said zayn.

'i also agree with niall.' liam said.

that's nice to hear. um, how old are you, by the way ??

i'm 25, how old are you, sweetheart ??

i'm 19.

oh wow, you're so young !!

'haz, he's so old !!' zayn said, disapprovingly.

zayn has always been so protective over me. he's like the older brother i never had.

'he's not that much older than us z.' i stated.

'look haz, you can do whatever you want. i just don't want you getting hurt.'

'i won't get hurt zayn !!' i told him.

'h, i want to keep you safe.' zayn said, and i could hear the hurt in his voice. i felt kind of bad.

'look zaynie, i know you're just trying to protect me, but don't. i'm not a little kid anymore. i don't need protecting. stop treating me like i'm a baby !!!' i said, abit too loudly.

zayn looked at me, with hurt in his eyes. 'fine. but don't come crawling back to me, when he breaks your heart.' zayn said, coldly.

'he's not gonna hurt me. he's a good guy.'

'ok, whatever you say, haz.' zayn said, and then he went upstairs. i guess he went to bed.

i just realised, that, i forgot to message him. i quickly type out a reply, and send it.

you're so old. lol

he replied almost instantly.

i'm not that old, baby boy

yes you are, you're an old man

this old man is gonna have to punish you, if you keep talking to me like that

sorry daddy :(

oh shit.. the nickname just slipped... what if he blocks me ?? or worse, what if he hates me ??

shit, i'm so sorry, it just slipped

it's ok, baby boy. i think it's adorable. also, watch your language, or daddy will have to wash your mouth out with soap.

yes, daddy :)

it's getting late, i'm gonna head to bed. you should also go to bed, baby boy.

ok, daddy. nighty night !! 😘

nighty night, my sweet baby boy. sweet dreams 🥰

after i read his message, i turn off my phone, and i head to bed. and if i dreamt about jackson, no one has to know that.

a/n: that was so cringey, i'm so sorry. the other chapters aren't gonna be as cringey as this. xxx :)

words: 447

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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