harry's pov:

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i was finally home, as i started putting the groceries away, niall and zayn came down the stairs.

'hey haz,' zayn said.

'hi. where's liam ??' i asked them, but was mostly directing the question at niall.

'he's still in bed, asleep.' niall said.

''oh, ok,' i replied.

'what's that paper in your hand, haz ?' zayn asked.

'oh, um... this guy gave me his number, when i was at the store.' i told them.

'oooh. what's his name ?? is he fit ?? is he nice ?? how old is he ??'

'umm.. his name is jackson, he's very fit, he's very nice, and i don't know how old he is.'

'hey babe,' liam said, as he went up behind niall, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

'good morning, li.' niall said.

niall whispered something in liams ear, which, probably had to do with jackson, because liam looked at me, and immediately asked, 'so harry, is jackson your boyfriend ??'

'no, i met him at the store today, and he gave me his number.'

'text him !!' liam told me.

'ok, ok.. jeez..'

i pull my phone out of my pocket, and quickly type in jackson's number, and add him to my contacts.

a/n: the next chapter will be harry's and jackson's text conversations. xxx :)

words: 214

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