"It means to take vengeance on somebody who's wronged you. We all know that." Freddy replied.

He turned to the bear with a sharp hiss, "I didn't ask you! Mister 'I have all the answers'."

"Are you alright, Davey?" Mangle asked him quietly.

He slowly turned to her, a dark smile on his face and a crazy look in his eyes. "No, I'm not alright. I am sick of this place! I'm sick of this 'game'." he replied, looking at everybody now. "You say you hate the guard, you say that you want to kill him, then why don't you? You have the ability to. It gave you the ability to. Why aren't you idiots using it?"

"You've seen how he works, Jeremy always seems to outsmart us." Foxy said.

"Then attack in the daytime! You Toys are around the adults all the time but you don't take any action."

"We don't want to traumatize the children." Toy Freddy said and all the Toys nodded.

Dave laughed wickedly, "Right, always for the children's benefit. But what if the killer strikes again? The children won't stop from being traumatized then, will they?"

"But we keep a close eye on all the adults. They've done nothing to arise suspicion." Toy Freddy said.

"But you don't know who is who. How is that 'keeping a close eye'?"

"Dave, stop this. You are creating tension." Freddy told him sternly and stepped forward.

"Good! Maybe you'll be able to kill with all this tension in the air!" he yelled back, moving in to the bear, stretching his neck higher to try and look bigger than him.

"Don't you dare hurt Freddy," Bonnie said and walked beside his friend.

"How are you going to stop me? Bite me? Or how about hold me down?" Dave threatened and glared at him.

Bonnie looked hurt and raised a fist. Behind him Toy Bonnie and Toy Freddy readied to stop Dave too. Foxy and Mangle were glaring at him and both the chickens looked slightly frightened and worried.

Knowing he was outnumbered, Dave backed down, walking off the stage. "Fine, you win. But don't expect me to join you in your fruitless venture tonight." he said and turned to walk away. "By the way, you all better stay away from me. Unless you don't care about your worthless lives." he added without even looking back.

He didn't stop walking until he got into the Parts and Service room, taking his position and waiting for the shift to start. He let out with a deep growl when everybody else walked in awhile later. Foxy gave him a taunting glare as he went into his corner. Dave returned the same glare, not minding if he got into a fight with the stupid fox.

When the shift started, Dave didn't move. He just watched with dead eyes as everybody left one-by-one. He was now alone in the Parts and Service room, and he didn't mind that at all. He continued to stay in the room for who knows how long.

Every now and then Foxy entered and stood where the three usually laid. After the fourth time of Foxy visiting and leaving soon after, Dave decided that he may as well give it one last shot. He had nothing to lose, and this would be the last time of seeing Jeremy. With a shudder and a growl the beast stood and left the room.

He walked to the hallway and stared at the guard's office, not taking his eyes off the guard as he slowly made his approach. When he got flashed, he didn't duck into the other rooms, he just stayed there until his vision returned. One time, Jeremy flashed him and he actually shut his eyes before the light blinded him.

He was pleased to see that his vision was still normal and continued his way. Every now and then the others passed by him, looking at him with caution every time they walked by. This made him smile. They were afraid of him. For good reason, too. Looked like they valued their lives after all.

Artificial AnguishWhere stories live. Discover now