Chapter 01

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Hero's Soup Kitchen


The svelt man shook his head as he looked up from his hands' lazed movements, eyes dull, kind of dark beneath, dreading the fact that somebody had to interrupt his sulking so early into the evening.

"Yes," he answered, unenthusiastic, hoping that the one who called had nothing much to say, "something wrong, Minho?"

"N-no," Minho stammered, much to his distaste, cheeks overlayed by a dim hue of scarlet. "I just wanted to say hi? We go to the same university, and I've always wanted to say hi, but I never got a chance to do so, and last night- we were all busy because first time and all," he babbled, an innocent smile defining his high cheekbones, "I'm Minho. But you already know that."

"Damn," Felix snorted, rolling his eyes, more as a joke, although Minho felt bad about it, "you're quite the talker, aren't you? I suppose you found out about the program from school as well?"

"Yup," Minho scratched his ear, nervous, "you're in my class, actually. Art major as well," he giggled when Felix's eyebrows furrowed, lightening up a bit, "I know, it's a big class. I wouldn't have known you were in my class either... if you weren't so handsome..."


"What?" Minho swallowed thickly, smile absent, face a more prominent shade of red, and arms stiff at his side, "I-"

"Are you flirting with me right now?" Felix blushed daintily, appreciating the new attention considering the thwarted efforts that still lingered in his chest from earlier in the day. "You are adorable, Minho," he smiled, leaning against the counter on their left side, "Go on."

"Go on?" Minho questioned, so close to a whisper, breaths heavy, increasing the volume of Felix's laughter. "Y- you, I don't know what to say," he stressed, ears near claret, contradicting the tanned white of his neck. Minho then ran a hand through his hair, looking down, "I didn't think- I didn't think that you'd even answer me, so I didn't plan anything else..."

"I'd love to get to know you, Minho," Felix shrugged, masking the lenient sting that was felt in his chest at his proposal, with a playful punch at a fidgety Minho's arm. He didn't see fit to allow himself to feel guilty for sparking something with another man, even though he was in a relationship.

Perhaps more of a caricature of a love-bond, than the expectations narrated with realistic lines of feelings and lovely exchanges. Felix's was exaggerated with plotless sex scenes, nugatory I love yous, and kisses that no longer lit morsels of excitement in either's parted hearts.

Not even a date, Changbin could sacrifice the time for anymore. Had his dear lover dress up, all pampered and eager to be picked up by the man he had feelings for. Seated before his door for hours, almost, spamming texts for an update, and even squeezing in a few vain calls in between.

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