Chapter Seventy-Four

Start from the beginning

Marie was confused when they entered the B&G office. "B, what about chemistry?", Marie questioned. "This is more important. You need to hear what Mom said about us on these tapes before you go back there.", Betty replied as she flipped on the tape player and held out the headphones for Marie to take.

"Ok...", Marie said as she put on the headset and sat down at the table. Betty picked up a note pad with a few timestamps written on it and hit the fast forward button. Marie's ears were met by soft static as Betty went to the first time stamp.

"It's just the three of us in the house now. And honestly, I'm scared of Betty. I'm scared Betty is going to hurt me or maybe even her sister.", Alice's voice rang out. Marie stared up in surprise at her sister's stoney gaze. Betty didn't say anything, but only went to the other time stamps.

"Marie is so much like how Polly used to be and I'm terrified. We've already had a few close calls and every time it just gets worse."

"Betty is more her father's daughter than any of my other girls. She has that same darkness I saw in him."

"Something happened to Marie. She's ...broken, not whole. I didn't notice anything until Polly pointed said something. All I know is that I need to get her away from Betty. You could help her, Edgar."

That was all Marie could take and yanked off the headphones. "How could she think you're like Dad?? And how can she just act like she knows what's wrong with me?", Marie huffed and tossed the headphones on the table.

"I think Edgar fed her what to say to convince her she needed the Farm. He planted those ideas in her head." Betty said angrily as she crossed her arms. Marie sighed and rested her head in her hands. "When you go there tonight, try to dig for more information to help with snapping Mom out of it." Betty said as she began to scribble a few notes on her notepad.

"I don't like going there, Bee. Edgar, he- he just... I don't know." Marie stuttered, trying to find the right words. "It's not for much longer, M. I'm getting through to her. This might be the last time you even have to step foot in there, ok?", Betty said reassuringly and patted her sister's shoulder.

Marie only slowly nodded and stood up. "Alright. Give me the wire." The younger twin sighed. "I don't think the wire will be much help if you're going to be walking around more. Try to voice record on your phone." Betty suggested as they walked out of the B&G office.

{Later that evening}

Marie had been escorted by Evelyn to Edgar's office when she arrived. The girls stopped at the closed doors and the Farmie turned to her and smiled. "My dad and I are very hopeful about you. You seem to fit in with us well." She said with an eerie smile.

What she did next shocked Marie. Evelyn leaned in a placed a chaste kiss on Marie's cheek before opening double doors. "E- Dad? Marie is here." She announced and stepped aside for the still stunned girl to enter. Marie shook her head a bit and thanked Evelyn before entering the office, which obviously used to be a small chapel.

"Ah, thank you." Edgar said as he turned away from his plants and smiled at Marie. "Hi. Mr.- I mean, Edgar." Marie greeted, correcting herself when she saw the man's arched brow. "Come in. Take a seat. I thought we could talk a bit before I take you on the tour.", he said and gestured for her to sit in the chair in front of his large desk.

The girl obliged and dropped her bag by the chair and sat down, 'Shit, I didn't start the voice memo...' Marie mentally cursed as Edgar moved to lean against the desk right in front of her. The girl crossed her legs and began to twist the rings on her fingers.

"I've become aware that your twin, Betty, has gotten her hands on your mother and sister's tapes." Edgar began as he tilted his head. "Now, I'm sure, being as close as your mother has told me you two are, she has shared these tapes with you. Am I correct?" The man question as he braced his hands against the desk.

There was no point in denying it, so Marie nodded her head. "Do you have any questions about what was said?", Edgar asked. Marie looked down at her lap and continued to play with her rings before gaining the courage to speak again.

"Wh-why did my mother say such horrible things about Betty? And about me being broken?". Marie breathed. Edgar sighed a little and Marie looked up to meet his gaze. "To be fair, Betty has given Alice some legitimate reasons to fear her." He said quietly.

Sure, in any normal family some of the things Betty had done might be concerning, but they weren't a normal family... But did that really make it any better? Did Edgar have a point?

"Please don't try to turn this on Betty. You have my mom convinced she's talking to our dead brother." Marie whispered as she felt her eyes start to prick with tears and blinked harshly. "Charles is a wound. She needs to heal. Your mother is on a journey, and she is making tremendous progress towards finding her truest self." Edgar told her passionately.

"She could do that at home, with a therapist." Marie said a bit more loudly. Edgar stood up a bit straighter and quipped, "Like your therapist? Dr. Sam Wilson? Are you truly any better than you were before?". Marie was surprised at the unusual harshness in his voice.

Edgar closed his eyes and composed himself before speaking again. "She needs to heal from the pain that has been inflicted upon her. Communing with Charles, real or illusionary, comforts her...Fills her in a way that no one in her life can or does." He said calmly and took a step closer to her chair.

Marie gripped her hands tightly together as Edgar braced his hands on the chair's armrests and leaned down to meet her gaze. "Now why in your mind is that a bad thing? I can help you too." He said lowly before moving even closer and making Marie's breath hitch. "You just have to let me in." He whispered in her ear.

Took my last exam todayyyyyyy:) hope you guys are doing well<3 thanks for sticking with me!!

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