She opens the messaging app and shows him the way to send a message. Jungkook was surprised and y/n hands him her phone.

"Wow... This is so advance... You don't even have to get a paper and a pen to write!"


Suddenly, the doorbell rings, and y/n heads to the door followed by Jungkook. She opens the door and saw...

"Mailman!" The man said with a smile.

"Oh thank you so much!"

The mailman hands her a piece of letter and y/n takes it before closing the door. She turns around, seeing Jungkook's confused face.

"Who's that?? Why did he gave you a folded paper?? What's that??"

He scans the weird looking letter in her hand.

"Oh that was the mailman. He's just giving me letters. What??"

She got confused when Jungkook's face suddenly scrunches on her.

"Why did he gave you a letter?? Is it a love letter??" Jealousy is visible on his face.

"No Jungkook! He's just sending someone else's letters to me."

"What?!" He shouts. "So he's a messenger?! You already have your own messenger and you didn't tell me?!"

He yells and y/n frowns.

"What?! That's not it-"

"I'm so confused right now!! Ugh Don't talk to me!"

He angrily walks away while tapping his finger on y/n's phone, struggling to type down a word, leaving her blinking her eyes in confusion.




"What're they doing??"

Jungkook asked and Y/n stands beside him and looks down through the window.

"What??" She asked back, trying to follow where his gaze was.

"Down there. There are people dancing on the street."

"Oh, probably just doing TikTok videos." Finally y/n spots where he was looking and nods.

"What's a... Tick tock?? A clock??" Jungkook looks at her confusedly.

"It's like an app where you record a video for content."

"Is there an occasion or something??"

"No??" She answered. "Not really..."

"Then why're they doing it?? Cause in my timeline, we dance when there's a party or a celebration." Jungkook feels slightly frustrated.


"This timeline is very weird... It's kinda frustrating to me..." He walks away and y/n saw the tense on his face. He looks really frustrated by it.





"Why're your people so weak?? Can't they just carry those bags themselves??"

He asked, watching the tv as it shows a commercial of a truck lifting up tons of rice packages. Hearing his question, y/n comes out from the kitchen and furrowed her eyebrows.

JUNGKOOK FF - Prince from The PastWhere stories live. Discover now