𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

Depuis le début

"Do you ever want a family?" Damian asked as he followed my gaze. I turned to him and shrugged.

"Maybe in the future," I replied. "I want to have a family. What about you?"

"I would like to have a son with the woman I love." He smiled softly. "I can imagine it, her and I with our child who would be a boy, just the three of us but I don't know if she loves me or not." He sighed.

"Who is it?" I asked, tilting my head. He looked at me and sighed.

"As―" He cut himself when he cupped my face and pull me into a kiss. My eyes widened as he continued to kiss me but something in me was telling me to kiss him back, to get back at Draco for the pain he caused, to hurt him as well.

But I love him.

I pushed Damian away as he frowned at the rejection but I knew I couldn't hurt Draco, no matter how much he hurt me. I didn't care about the plan anymore about using Draco, I truly fell in love with him, realizing that Draco isn't like his father. He doesn't deserve to be a victim in my plan.

"I can't Damian," I said in a whisper. "I can't betray Draco, I know he hurt me but wanting to hurt him as well isn't the answer." He looked down. He opened his mouth to say something but someone interrupted us.

"Well, well, well." I turned my head to see Astoria walking toward us with a smirk on her face. "I see you move on very quickly from Draco. I applaud you."

"What do you want Astoria? Here to tell me about your night with him? To tell me how you enjoyed every minute to sleep with him." I swallowed the lump in my throat. She doesn't deserve to see my tears, my weakness. I won't give her the satisfaction to see me as I lost. But on the inside my heart shattered like a piece of glass, knowing Draco was the one who caused it.

"I enjoyed every second with him. That night he worshipped my body, marked my body as his, hearing his moans while he made love to me." She taunted. I raised my hand ready to slap her but Damian wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest.

"She is not worth it." He whispered in my ear. His eyes glared at Astoria. "Calm down."

"How sweet for your lover to comfort you." Astoria mocked. She glared at Damian with hatred. It was a bit uncomfortable.

"Shut up Astoria! You think it's okay to rub into someone's face that you slept with their boyfriend?" Damian replied then he tugged on my arm. "Let's go Y/N."

Damian led me away from her but once she was out of sight. I broke down. He quickly hugged me and kissed my forehead, trying to calm me down but all I felt was heartbroken.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. I raised my head to look at him with a confused look. "I've been trying to get your attention to get the woman I love jealous."

"What?" I asked and he looked at me.

"I can't say her name because she doesn't want everyone to know that I'm in love with her. She is still in love with someone else." He replied.

"So you used me to make her jealous and cause Draco to hate you?" He nodded.

"I thought it would work but she is still not over the man she loves." He sadly said. "I thought she wanted to be with me."

"Damian, I'm gonna give you this piece of advice. If she truly wants to be with you then go ask her that but if she still loves the man then she is not worth having you." He smiled at me and nodded.

"I will do that and I hope we can be friends?" He asked with a nervous smile.

"I'd love that," I replied. He waved goodbye as we went our separate ways. I walked back home to see Draco pleading with Isabella to let him in.

"Draco, I'm telling you she's not here. She left." Isabella huffed as Draco crossed his arms.

"Isabella, I just need to talk to her. I miss her." He pleaded.

"I don't want to see you Malfoy! What didn't you understand that we are over!" I shouted at him as he turned around. "Please Draco, I don't want nothing to do with you."

"Y/N...I can't get you off my mind, I can't stop loving you." He said as I glared at him.

"Yes you can, you can stop loving me. Draco I need some time to think of my feelings. Please, leave me alone." I begged. He sighed and nodded before walking away. I looked at Isabella who gave me a sad smile. I looked back to where Draco left before walking inside the house with a heavy heart.

I was fighting between justice and love and so far my love for Draco is taking over.


A/N: Y/N is beginning to doubt the true intention of her original plan. Damian almost revealed about his relationship with Astoria. What will happen in the next chapter?

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