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*Leighton's POV*

You'd think sharing a kiss with one of your friends would be the means for a conversation, and yet not one word has been spoken in almost a month.

I left the hospital on November 27th in the evening, and went straight to the NICU to be with Gemma. Having Gemma in the NICU was a really hard time, and I ended up leaning a lot on my family during that excruciating week.

Gemma came home from the hospital on December 4th after spending 24 hours off Oxygen. 

We also had to have her regular care givers take Infant CPR, so my parents, younger siblings and Aaliyah took the course and signed a paper for her medical records that they were equipped incase of such an emergency.

The first week of having Gemma in my apartment was weird.

There were a lot of changes.

One of the changes being that Gabe was around all the time.

It surprisingly wasn't bad. We were very respectful to each other and our own individual emotions.

Gemma thankfully loved her car seat and didn't mind being in the car, which worked to our advantage when she wouldn't calm down no matter what we did.

I definitely referred back to the parenting advice book from my baby shower, and I Youtubed quite a bit of "How To"'s but somehow we survived our first week with a newborn.

They always said the first week was the hardest.

On Sunday, December 13th Stasia and Katrina came over to my apartment when Gabe went to go pick up some groceries for that week, and it felt nice to see them.

I've texted the four of them here and there, but I swear they forgot I literally just had a baby, and can't go out to parties with them.

I understood that we were all young adults... but I feel like they forget I've had to grow up a lot quicker and I couldn't just go clubbing on a whim.

Sam would text me asking if I wanted to get food, forgetting I'm baby bound now with breastfeeding and such, so it's definitely made things harder and more isolating.

I know I could bring the baby with me, but Gemma has weak lungs, and I don't want to risk something happening, so for now, we don't leave the house.

Am I overprotective? Even over-paranoid? Maybe. But can you blame me?

She's only been outside when we left the hospital, but since then, Gabe and I have just been too tired to do anything.

They arrived when Gemma was sleeping and I was making Gabe and I dinner, wanting to get it started before I got too tired.

"Hey Leigh! How are you?" Kat asked, slipping her shoes into the shoe rack.

"Tired, how are you guys?" 

We shared some small talk while I finished putting stuff in the crockpot.

I washed a few bottles and by then loud cries came out of the monitor.

"Can I go get her?" Stas asked and I was apprehensive but eventually agreed, focusing back on the few bottles I had left.

"So, can I ask something personal?" Kat asked, leaning against my kitchen archway.

"You usually do" I muttered, not even wanting to know what the follow-up question is.

"What happened between you and Colby?" She asked and I kind of froze for a second, before catching myself and rinsing out the water filled bottle. "Why?"

Desire C.Bजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें