memories hurt

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Meeting the parents brought back memories for juni. Memories of her family, james, how harry would never get to know james. Sirius. One day he would read the papers and Sirius would be in them and harry would believe the awful things they said. Or he would go his whole life without knowing anything about his Godfather. She didn't know what was worse.

Suddenly you turn around and the future is the past...over a decade had passed and just like that. harry was grown no longer toddling around. Severus was a man, not a young man anymore but a man. But juni still felt like a scare little girl that he held all those years ago when she was scared. She thought that the beginning of her life, pre james death and sirius's imprisonment were some of the best days of her life. After they were gone though... juni thought maybe when I'm older, maybe when I'm smarter, know all the spells, know how to win against Voldemort... maybe then life would be good. For a decade she was thinking about the past and the future, she didn't want to think about the present. She had to live through the present and it wasn't that great to her so she focused on the past on the future. But being here at Hogwarts with her nephew and severus... she was starting to think she needed to live in the now. She had been waiting for this moment of getting back to reality for what felt like forever and now that she had it, she didn't know how long it would last but this part of life. Not the end, not the beginning but the middle. The middle was were the good stuff happened. She just had to let it.

I get this feeling every year, the first days of winter

Pull out that box of souvenirs, to read your old letters

In a stack of memories, found a note you left for me

It almost feels like you're still here

I hear your voice in every word

You told me to remember

Take each day and make it last

'Cause you turn around, and the future is the past

Here and now is all we have

The beginning and the end mean so little

What matters most is what's in the middle

What's in the middle.

She closed her notebook and put away her guitar. She had to start living. Right here and right now would soon be the past and tomorrow, the future would be the present. But she drank three more shots down that night before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep.


Parents day was over, they went home and juni roamed tipy to her room, yelling snickerdoodle over and over again but getting no response from the magical door.

"Really key! I never had this problem! I would forget the key!' juni yelled at her door . 'but not opening to the correct password-' severus opened his door to see juni yelling at his door, shoes in hands. 'sevy what are you doing in my room? And why did you change the password?' severus blinked at her a moment before she brushed past him and into his room.


'and you redecorated... wow how long was I gone?'

'juni this is my room. Yours is next door.'

'oh...' she smiled up at him. 'that makes sense. I must have drunk more than I thought.' She giggled.

'your password is snickerdoodle?' severus asked as he lead her back to her own room.

'oh yes, I love them I make a mean snickerdoodle. I will make you some. Tomorrow. Maybe not tomorrow... I think I'm going to sleep the weekend away. but next week for sure... just remind me because if I was drunk enough to not go to the right room then I'm for sure not going to remember this conversation.' Juni warned him as she started to peel off her dress and make her way to her bed. 'goodnight sevy!' she called over her shoulder shutting her bedroom door. Severus stood there a moment longer in her room a grin on his face. Juni potter. This woman was going to be the death of him.

Juni loved potions class with severus and the students loved when she was there as well. Severus was nicer, well not nicer but he wasn't as mean and juni gave points away. she never took them only gave them. It was great. The students never knew when juni would be in class, lockhart had made a fuss about losing his assistant and juni had to go to defense against the dark arts more frequently but she couldn't help it. She hated lockhart. He still was pining after the one woman that didn't want him and he didn't understand why. He was wonderful! Severus tried to sway him away but lockhart thought it was just jealousy and that only pushed lockhart to try harder to get juni's attention.

So when juni wasn't having meals with Harry at the Gryffindor table, which harry loved! She was in her room or in the potions lab with severus hiding from the rest of the world. During the week she was perfect. As soon as Friday hit. She was chaos. She was beauty. She was trouble.

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