Riley stood up and tossed Lula back to Wrecker. "I'll uh-I'll be right back." She said, she lazily waved over her shoulder as she left the room.

"We should be arriving soon, Omega do you want to help me pilot the ship?" Tech said, standing up from the table. Omega nodded and followed Tech into the cockpit.

When the door to the bunks closed Riley sat down on one of the beds and put her head in her hands. Her breathing was shaky and she was struggling to keep her heartbeat steady. "Kriffing...PTSD." She gasped out. She tried her hardest not to cry, not to freak out. She had to be strong for her boys, for Echo, and for Omega.

'It's over,' she thought, 'it's been 4 kriffing years. No more more mum or more pain, I'm with my boys again stop panicking!' She told herself. Riley couldn't stop the tears as they fell, she gripped her hair with her hands and she felt like she could hardly breath. Her head was pounding and all she could hear was her heartbeat practically bursting out of her chest.

Riley didn't notice anyone come in so she jumped when she felt a dip in the spot next to her on the bed. "Hey, hey it's me, Hunter." He said calmly, although worry was spread all over his face. "What happened? Are you okay mom?" He asked, untangling Riley's fingers from her hair and holding her hands gently. With his enhanced senses he could both hear and feel Riley's heartbeat and rapid breathing.

Riley choked on a sob and shook her head no. She didn't want Hunter to see her this way, she was worried he wouldn't look up to her as much as he did now. Hunter embraced her in a firm hug, rubbing circles in her back and whispering sweet nothings to her. "You're okay. You're safe. I'm here mom, it's okay." He told her. Riley cried into his chest, thankful he wasn't currently wearing his armor.

After a few minutes Riley had calmed down some, however she was still crying and shaking. "What happened?" Hunter asked her. Riley held on to him tighter. "Just...memories. I-I usually don't have such bad panic attacks from the mention of the accident but..when Wrecker mentioned it ..." Hunter shushed her before she could finish.

"Don't worry, you're safe. Me and the boys are going to make sure of it." Hunter said. Riley nodded into his chest and inhaled his scent. "I'm sorry.." a voice said from the entrance. Riley sat up and looked in that direction to see Wrecker standing there nervously. Riley smiled sadly at him and held her arms out.

Wrecker smiled and hugged her tightly. "It's okay Wreck." Riley whispered. "If it makes you feel any better mom, you and Wrecker match now." Hunter said, referring to their burn marks. Riley chuckled a bit and she traced Wrecker's scar with her fingers.

"Why didn't you tell us about these attacks?" Hunter asked. Riley let go of Wrecker and sat back down on the bed, nervously fidgeting with her hands. "I don't know...I didn't want you guys to think your mom's weak and can't handle herself." Riley mumbled, making eye contact with neither Hunter nor Wrecker.

Suddenly Riley felt two pairs of arms wrap around her. "You're not weak and we know that." Hunter reassured her. "Heh if you were able to take care of us four then I'd say you're pretty damn strong!" Wrecker laughed. Riley smiled in their embrace.

Although they were adults now, their hugs felt exactly the same as how they were four years ago; reassuring, warm, and full of love. Riley felt safe with her sons, much more safe then she had ever felt with her parents. Sure, she had her sisters and cousin, but it wasn't the same as a mother-son love.

"Hey Hunter." Wrecker whispered after a few minutes. "What is it Wrecker?" Hunter asked. "I think mom fell asleep." Wrecker told him. Hunter sighed and let go of Riley.

"Put her on the bed, Wreck." He instructed. Wrecker did as he was told, slowly laying Riley on the bed. Wrecker glanced at her for a second before turning back to Hunter with a questioning look.

"Yes Wrecker you can have a cuddle pile." Hunter sighed, grinning at his brother. Wrecker slid in the spot next to Riley and held her close. "You gonna join us or are you gonna be an ungrateful son?" Wrecker joked. Hunter playfully rolled his eyes and climbed to Riley's other side, laying down.


Word count:1399

Hello there! Quick little note; as the book progresses you're going to find out more about what happened to Riley during the four years she was on Cato.


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