Chapter 3: With great 'Quints' comes great responsibility

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"Who's that Pokemon! It's Ayanokouji" Yotsuba jabs her index finger at the cold-hearted boy.

"The hell is a Pokemon, is that some kind of obscure insult?" Ayanokouji replies dryly, giving Yotsuba a darkly incredulous look. He spent all his youth in the white room, and never came across the term 'Pokemon'.

"Hey there Mr. Teach~," Ichika greets him curiously, one of her front buttons dangling, revealing the start of a cleavage. "Who would have guessed our mystery tutor is someone our age, and we even go to the same school? Small world, huh?"

 "Who would have guessed our mystery tutor is someone our age, and we even go to the same school? Small world, huh?"

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''Yeah pretty much.'' Ayanokouji shrugged.

''Don't just casually talk to him Ichika! Quick, lock the door so he can't get in.''Nino yelled as she ran into her apartment and waited for her sisters to enter so she could shut the door.

Ayanokouji responds by reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a Key that is an exact replica of the one the Nakano sisters have. "Your father was kind enough to give me a copy of your house key, so I don't think locking the door would accomplish anything other than mild annoyance," Ayanokouji explains.

"Gimme that!" Nino snatches his spare key from his hand, before turning to Ayanokouji with a smug grin. ''Heh, tough luck buddy. Unless you wanna spend the rest of the day outside our apartment like a stray dog, I suggest you go home.''

Despite Nino's best efforts, Ayanokouji sighs but appears unbothered. 

"As I previously stated, you are only causing nothing but mild annoyance. Your apartment door has a standard lock, and I only need a regular hair clip to lock-pick it. Should take about ten seconds. In fact, it's quite simple, and I can teach it to you girls if you want." 

"Wow, you sure sound like you know your stuff. That's our tutor for you, teaching us something new already." Yotsuba exclaims with a bright smile.

''~Oh my~ well... if I ever get locked in my bathroom, now I know who to call,'' Ichika exclaims, with a hand pressed against her cheeks.

"What the heck, guys!!" Ichika, Yotsuba, and Ayanokouji look over at Nino, who is visibly irritated as she regains her composure to stomp her way over to them. "Stop chatting with the goddamn criminal. He literally confessed to a crime." Nino yells at her older sister with little restraint. 

"Technically, I didn't confess to anything because I hadn't yet committed it.''

''WHATEVER!'' Nino's face was red with anger, she couldn't recall the last time she met someone as stubborn as Ayanokouji. Worst of all, her sisters seem to be getting along with him. ''Just look at him! Don't you guys think there's something off about him,'' Nino accusingly pointed at Ayanokouji.

Itsuki and Yotsuba tilted their heads and studied the poker-faced boy.

''Now that you mention it...''

''Yeah, I see it! I see it!''

Nino crossed her arms and nodded in satisfaction, finally her sisters are starting to think straight.

Cold but Sweet (Quintessential Quintuplets X Ayanokouji)Where stories live. Discover now