•Chapter Four•

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"Harry?" Louis called into his apartment as he opened the front door.


It was just after 6pm and Louis was feeling a little groggy from his nap, but otherwise much better than before.

A delicious smell wafted from the kitchen and the Beatles played softly from his stereo. Harry was no where to be seen.

He could hear muffled laughter coming from the dark hallway, a sliver of light coming from the slightly ajar door to the spare room.

Louis crept quietly towards the door and pushed it open just a crack more, his heart melting at the sight before him. Harry was standing in the centre of the room, leaning over the built crib and singing 'Here Comes the Sun' to May who was babbling along with him.

All of her clothes had been put away in her closet, the change table was set up under the window and arranged with diapers, wipes and her bath products.

"Oh my god!" Harry suddenly gasped, startling Louis from his daze.

"May May you smiled! Your first smile baby girl!" He lifted her from the crib and held her close to his chest as he hugged her, a beaming grin on his face as he turned around.

"Lou!" He laughed when he finally noticed Louis' presence. "She smiled! I made her smile!"

Of course you did, you're the epitome of happiness.

Louis smiled back at the two of them. His heart so full in this very moment.

"How was your nap?" Harry asked, Louis moving to let him out of the room. Harry passed May to Louis as he headed for the kitchen.

"Hi my baby." He whispered to May as he kissed her head.

"It was so good. I can't thank you enough Harry." He sighed. "And you did her room?"

"Yeah, is it ok?" Harry scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I only intended to build the crib but once I started I couldn't stop." He laughed. "You can change it around or do whatever, obviously."

"No no, it's more that ok. Haz it's perfect."

"Good." He smiled happily. "Making dinner too hope you like tacos?" He went to the stove and began stirring a pot.

"I love tacos!" He said.

I love you. He thought.

Once May was fed and tucked into her own bed in her new room, Harry and Louis sat down to eat. "Harry I don't know how to thank you for today. Seriously you do too much for me."

Harry just shrugged and smiled as he chewed. "You don't have to thank me Lou. I told you, it's what friends are for. I'm actually surprised Niall and Zayn don't offer to help out more."

Louis huffed out a laugh. "Zayn isn't the biggest fan of kids. And Niall has a busy life. I wouldn't expect either of them to drop anything just to give me a hand. As I don't with you."

Harry frowned a little at that. Louis wanted to rub the crease from his brow and kiss his forehead until it smoothed out.

"Did you have a good day?" Louis asked in an attempt to change the subject.

"I did actually. Went for my run, saw you in your underwear, met up with an old friend for brunch, came and hung out with my favourite girl now I'm eating tacos and drinking wine with you so.. pretty awesome way to spend a day off if you ask me."

Louis was busy wondering about this 'old friend' and just how friendly he was, that he almost missed the blatant observance of Louis opening his door in just his underwear this morning. His cheeks heated as he remembered how out of it he had been this morning, tired and emotional. All in front of Harry. Yet here he was still, not running from Louis and all his baggage.

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