The Usurper from the Wilds

Start from the beginning

Once done, the dual haired girl went and laid on the bed next to an already sleeping Grim, who mumbled in their sleep.

She closed her eyes and her mind brought her to a dream. (Y/n) opened her eyes and was met with a pack of hyenas looking at a rock where a lion sat.

"A parade of animal...?" She mumbled.

"The world is about to be turned upside down. A shining new era is near." The lion said.

"And where do we fit in?" A hyena said.

"Just listen." He said, looking at them, "We're going to take out Mufasa and his son. And then I will be king!"

"All right! Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!" All the hyenas followed, cheering.

"I've fangs and courage that none can match. So be prepared!"

Then everything went dark.

'Is being a king that important to him...?' The girl thought, before opening her eyes and seeing that it was now morning, "Another dream...?" She mumbled.

"Oh, (Y/n), you're up? Breakfast is gettin' cold! Let's go eat already!" Grim said, standing by the door.

The said girl looked at him and nodded, "All right." She said, getting up and went to get ready for the day.


"By the way, did you go somewhere last night? I got up to warm up some milk. Was gonna see if you wanted some but you weren't there." The feline said, looking at the girl, as they walked into the school.

"Oh, right. I met a guy with horns, and after they left, I decided to train..." She said.

"Huh! A weird dude with horns? Did this dude have a name?"

"He told me to call him by a name of my choosing."

"Ooh, ooh, let me pick it! Howsabout..."Tsunotarou"!" He exclaimed.

"I don't know if he'll appreciate it..." (Y/n) said.

"He said, "of your choosing," right? Then he's got no right to complain! If Tsunotarou's a student here, who knows when we might run into him? If we do, introduce me! I ain't never seen a human with horns before."

"Really? Some people in my world have horns because of their quirks..." She mumbled, before feeling arms wrap around her, making her tense up and look at the person, seeing that it was Cater.

"Mornin', (N/n)." He said, smiling at her.

Riddle walked up to her, noticing something wrong, "Hm. Your tie is crooked, you know. A disorderly uniform suggests a disorderly dorm." He said, bringing his hands up and fixing her tie, "As prefect, you should set a better example for your dorm members. Even if you only have the one." He fixed it and nodded at his work, "...There. All better." He smiled a bit, before stepping back with a blush.

"So, where's Ace and Deuce?" Grim asked, looking around for the two.

He looked at him, "In accordance with rule 249, it's their turn to wear pink clothes and feed the flamingos." He said, then looked at the girl, "By the way, it seems there was another incident last night."

"Myah?! Really?!"

"According to a portrait who witnessed it, the victim was a sophomore from Scarabia House." The orange haired male said, "His name is Jamil Viper. It appears the accident happened in the kitchen."

(Y/n) furrowed her brows, "That's the dorm with red-and-gold armbands, right?" She said, making the red haired male nod.

"It's breakfast time, so he may be in the cafeteria. Let's go see." Riddle said.

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