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Cassie and Maddy knew each other since they were six. They always went to each others houses to play their little games. There were times when the would play family. Maddy would always be the mom and Cassie would always be the dad.

"Hey do you know what my mom and dad do" said Maddy

"What" replied Cassie

"This" Maddy kissed her

"ewww" said Cassie wiping her lips

That was the last time they saw each other

                  *10 years later*

Maddy and Cassie never talked to each other after their last encounter.

"Bye babe i have to go to class now" Said Maddy to her boyfriend

"Okay, bye babe" he replied and kissed her

Maddy headed to class after the bell rang. She sat on the desk looking at her phone when the teacher came in.

"Class we have a new student" Said the teacher.
"This is Cassie Howard"

When Maddy saw her she gasped, her eyes widened and she froze.

The teacher noticed that Cassie was nervous and didn't aske her questions.

"You can pick wherever you want to  sit" the teacher told Cassie

There was only one seat available - on  Maddys desk.

"Can I sit here" Cassie mumbled

"No" Maddy replied with anger in her tone

"B-but there is nowhere else to sit"

"Thats not my problem" Maddy said

"Maddy cut the beef and let her sit because we have a test" the teacher yelled

Cassie sat on the corner of the desk seemingly afraid and uneasy.

"You are lucky I didn't saw you earlier... stupid bitch" Maddy whispered to Cassie

Cassie reminded silent and didn't even lift her eyes

The class ended and everyone headed to the halls exept Cassie. She sat quietly looking only at her notebooks

At the end of the day it was time to go home. Cassie headed to the exit door but then the unthinkable happened.
Maddys boyfriend Nate saw her. His eyes went black m, he couldn't take his eyes off the her.

"Whoos that fine babe"
"Hey pretty princess"  Nate screamed

Cassie turned to him

"Are you talking to mee?"

"Are there any other pretty princess around?"


"i really like your green dress"

"Thank you! I got it from the dollar store"
"Really? How much? Asked Nate

" A dollar " replied Cassie
" i can take it off of you for free"

Cassie blushed.
Cassie's pov:
I was heading towards the exit when a six feet tall and super strong boy whistled to me. He looked like we could get along.
He tried to flirt with me and i remember thinking im about to beat this bitch up.
Then he told me I was pretty princess and I almost puked but I had to play it trough. Then Maddy came.

"Nate what are yoy doing with that whore" said Maddy

"You know each other?" asked Nate

"Don't you remember thats Cassie the dice"

A/N: I hope you like our story! Chalter 2 coming soon!!

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