Chapter Four: Blaze

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   "Where are you, girl from Rome? Dusty paths cross my way," 

The carefree rhythms of the guitar strums rumbled through the speakers stationed in the corners of the walls. No matter how persistent the volume of the guitar strums, the relaxed drums and the soothing lyrics remained, they were no match to the comfortable bubble of silence that encased Dabi and myself. 

It seemed as though the world around us had never existed; his hand remained comfortably rested, his grasp remained around my thin wrist. However, his grip was not coercive in any sort. His touch bore no ill intent from what I could feel. 

And those eyes, so inviting while also so piercing. Those cerulean orbs remained fixed upon me, fixating on my every move. The sense of the stare remained more full of wonder then predatory. Which, judging simply by his appearance, seemed so uncharacteristic for this man. 

My dark deep blue irises attempted to hold his gaze. However, within several minutes, my latent social anxiety surfaced, forcing me to rip my head away to gaze downwards. Out of the corner of my vision, I witnessed him hold back the urge to peer his head downwards, as if he intended to hold my gaze. The small action on his part prompted a light crimson dusting to grace my pale cheeks. 

The hand that remained comfortably entrapped within his grip began fiddling with frayed strands of the fabric lining the banquette. I needn't bring my eyes to the sight; I knew this man was studying my actions. The way I was keeping my gaze cast downwards towards my nervously fidgeting hands, he was watching everything. Whether this was geared for ill intent or some other purpose, I am not sure. 

Through my peripheral vision, I watched as he leaned forward slightly, his free hand guiding his words to my ear. "I wanna be able to hear you," His gravelly voice had the ability to make my knees buckle, had I been standing. The light crimson haze remained across my cheeks as I listened to his follow up statement. 

"Know of somewhere we can chat?" The moment the final word breathed through his lips, my sapphire gaze reunited with his own. With my cheeks remaining rosy, I gave a small nod, followed by the smallest, shyest of smiles. As his oven warm hand grazed its way downwards, his fingers intertwining with my own, a similar, more confident smirk plastered itself across his lips. 

"Staring in the sky, alabaster dreams. A chance for you and I, alabaster daydreams." 

The chorus resounded through the speakers, the wall shaking vibrations pushing their way through the intoxicated patrons. With my fingers intertwined with my newfound companion's, I guided him through the haze of alcohol mixed with tacky, sugary perfumes and musty, woodsy colognes. Almost moving similar to serpents through tall grass, Dabi and I gracefully snuck away from Hawks and Quinn. We encountered little to no difficulty; but we remained discreet, similar to mischievous teenagers sneaking around right under their parents' noses. 

Despite not physically witnessing this, I could feel Dabi's crippling blue eyes fixed onto my petite figure. As I kept our hands bound together whilst guiding him up the iron staircase, I willed my knees not to give way in the middle of the second floor. Even when I am not looking at this man, he managed to have the same wonderfully incapacitating effect on me. 

Making haste, Dabi and I glided past the more relaxed patrons of the second floor. All of them enjoyed sophisticated fixes of wine and champagne, blissfully ignoring my companion and I, much to my relief. 

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