Chapter Two: Down Memory Lane (+18)

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   The night had been filled with wide smiles, near obnoxious laughter and deep conversation until about eleven past midnight. I vividly recall his large, somewhat cold hand firmly grasping mine while the emotions behind his wide grin had changed. "I have an idea." He stated almost blankly, yet the grin remained. Only the tilt of my head had been a response, all verbal communication fleeting as he took my other hand in his. "You'll see, just follow me." 

   The films for the night had long since ended, with the front and back entrances of the theatre being shut and locked, dead bolted. That had meant the patrons and the employees who collected checks from the establishment every week had long since returned to their homes. This had meant there was not a single soul within a mile radius from him and I. 

   Being only sixteen at the time, the sight and scent of him were almost intoxicating. My age matched my naivete, my immaturity. Him holding both of my hands meant there was no escape from what was about to occur.

   "I don't know about this, Levi. The guys are expecting me home any minute." I protested, attempting to pull my hands from his grasp. Him being eighteen at the time and his physique being no match to my own, his hands squeezed mine to prevent them from leaving his grasp. "What's wrong, August?" His smooth voice questioned, guiding me further and further into the darkness of the alley behind the theatre. Again, my being young and completely ignorant to the world at the time translated to a horrible situation being birthed. 

   "Levi, I'm serious. Jake is expecting me home. Are you even listening to me?" I questioned to no avail. It seemed as though his emerald green eyes had been glazed over with some new emotion I had never witnessed anyone display before; lust. 

   "Don't you trust me? How long have we been dating now? Jake will be fine." He attempted to persuade me. His momentary lapse of a firm grip allowed me to pull my hands free. Before I could storm off down the alley too far, his strong hands found my tiny waist. Gripping me firmly in his hands, he slammed me into the cold, damp brick that encased the theatre. The sudden impact caused me to cry out, with pain now radiating from my right cheek. A hiss seethed through my teeth as I felt his five foot nine inch frame pin me against the wall. 

   "It saddens me that you don't seem to trust me, sweetheart." His words spilled from his lips like venom, one strong arm wrapping itself around my waist, and the other gripping my throat tightly. The air in my throat hitched with his grasp, while his arm pulled my petite body to his lean, muscular figure. The bulge that I felt pressing against my rear end was prominent, and the feeling caused every one of my organs, reproductive and otherwise, to shrivel up and waste away. 

   "I trusted you until now, please, just let me go!" I pleaded, trying my best to not shove myself against his body, for fear that it would arouse him more. But it seemed as though the mere sight of my squirming in his hold was enough for him to proceed to fiddle with the zipper that started at the back of my neck. 

   "Levi, stop! Please!" I repeated, begging for my freedom over, and over. However, it seemed to only make the situation worse. Within seconds it seemed, my once favored red sundress had been gathered around my waist. The echo of his belt buckle echoed through my ears and within seconds, the under garments that I had definitely burned after that night had found themselves around my ankles. 

   Half of those fifteen to twenty minutes had been blacked out from my mind. Most of what I remember is his belt finding itself binding my wrists together behind my back, my throat becoming hoarse from my screaming and crying in pain, and the intense, radiating pain that started from between my legs and spreading upwards into my stomach and around my waist from where his fingers and their nails had dug themselves into my pale skin. Eventually, the sounds that escaped my throat ceased. Slowly, I had begun to accept my circumstances. This was happening, and I hadn't been able to avoid nor stop it. At only sixteen years old, I experienced something that no woman, or even man, should ever endure. I wasn't young anymore. I wasn't pure anymore. No one is ever going to love me if they ever found out I had been through this, I thought to myself both while it was happening and days, weeks, months and now years after it had happened. I'd never be loved by anyone, ever. 

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