The Usurper from the Wilds

Start from the beginning

Deuce looked at it and his eyes widen, "Whoa, Cater-senpai, this is a ton of information!"

"Now, let's move!"

"Let's nail this creep!" The feline exclaimed.


They entered through a different mirror and entered through Pomefiore's mirror. Which led them to the dorm.

"Let's start here, at Pomefiore. There's a junior named Rook Hunt who's caught my eye. He has a blond bob cut and a fedora—you can't miss him." Cater said.

"Rook is an exceptional player. He performed extremely well in last year's tournament. But he is a bit of an...odd duck, one might say." Riddle said.

(Y/n) noticed the fedora, "Is that him?" She said, as she saw that he was sitting with the beautiful male and the cute purple haired male, 'Aoyama would've definitely been in this dorm...' She thought.

"Whoa. That dude's, like, a glitter bomb in human form. He's basically sparkling." Ace said, wincing at the brightness they were emitting.


"Non, Epel, non. When you lift your teacup, do not insert your finger through the handle. It is most inélégant." Rook said, showing the male how to hold it.

"Oh...Right. I'm sorry." Epel said, correcting himself.

The other male sighed, "I just cannot decide how I want to do my makeup on tournament day! I'm thinking maybe that new foundation from Felicity Cosmetics?"

Rook let out a small laugh, "Mon belle Vil, the Roi du Poison...Surely your beauté is not so faint that you need makeup to shine?"

"Of course I don't. But I don't dare miss an opportunity to accentuate it further!" Vil said.

"I admire that passion! Magnifique! Trés magnifique!"


Grim deadpanned, "Uhhh...And you're sayin' this guy is some kinda incredible athlete? Somehow, I doubt he's gonna be a target."

"Never judge a book by its cover, Grim." The dual haired girl said.

"Yeaaah, maybe we should peace out and move on." Cater said, as they then left the door.


They now stood in the courtyard of the school.

"Next on Cay-Cay's big list of potential targets are Jade Leech and his twin brother Floyd. They're both sophomores at Octavinelle House. Word is, they work so well together on the field that other teams don't know how to counter them." He said as he pointed at the two.

"Whoa! They have, like, the exact same face!" The feline said.

Both had fair skin and a height considerably taller than their peers. Their appearance mirrored each others. They had short, straight-cut hair that's teal in color, with short bangs and one long streak of dark-gray hair framing his left side, and the other on their right side. Their eyes have complete heterochromia, with ones left eye being yellow, and his right eye being olive-brown. His twin having them on the opposite sides. They were also wearing one earring on their left or right ears, with three teal diamonds dangling off of it. The only difference was that the twin on the left wore their uniform neatly, and the one on the right wore it a bit messily.

"Well, they are twins..." The girl mumbled.

"Is it just me, or do they make all the other students look tiny in comparison? They're giants!" Ace said, shocked by their heights.

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