"And our boyfreinds" peyton added

I wanted to kinda leave that part out

"Yeah I remember you'll are supposed to be bring y'all boyfreinds are you nervous" trina asked

"Extremely" we both said

"As long as there good boys I'm pretty sure your dad won't mind" Towanda said

Me and Peyton both looked at each other knowing that we both had two hood niggas

"Oh no there not bad at all"I said

"Yeah total sweethearts" Peyton said

"When are we gonna meet there parents" Toni said

"Well you won't be able to meet nyzeirs parents because he doesn't have any he lives by himself" I said

"What do you mean he don't got parents" tamar said

"Well he doesn't live with his parents and he doesn't talk about them he just says he doesn't have parents I don't pressure him into talking about it" I said

"And I don't know when y'all can meet derricks parents" peyton said

"Mmm so yasmine what did you do at your after party after your birthday" traci said

"Oh nothing special just hanging out with freinds" I said with a fake smile

"And twerking on 20 year olds" Toni said under her breath

I glared at her

"You twerking on 20 year olds!?" Tamar asked

"No...yes ok I was just having a great time it was nothing serious" I said

"You just turned 17 yas" Trina said

"It was a harmless dance" I said

"Where was yo bf" towanda said

"He wasn't there because he was doing something" I said nervously

"But he snatched her up real quick when he found them talking" peyton said

"Wow pey your supposed to be on my side" I said rolling my eyes

"Tell them about you and derricks make out session then" I said looking at her with the "now what" look

"Well like that time you and nyzeir almost had sex in the restaurant bathroom"

"Oop" everybody said but my mom

She just glared at me I can't believe peyton was telling my business

"You know what before I say something I regret ima go the Mac and cheese is in the oven get it out in 30 minutes I'm gone" I said

I stormed off and put on my shoes and got my keys and took a drive and went to the store got me some hot fries and a fruit punch Arizona and a white chocolate Hershey bar I paid for it and headed out to my car my mom was calling me but I ignored it then my aunties and Peyton start calling me I put my phone on dnd

I was just riding around I went to this ice cream place got me some ice cream went to checkers to get there fries if you haven't noticed by now whenever I'm sad or mad I just eat it helps me cope after I was done I got a call from nyzeir his contact is the only contact I let go thru on dnd

"Hey baby what's up" I said

"Why did Derrick just tell me that peyton said you left the house angry and you haven't been back she said it's been an hour and you ain't answering nobody's calls" he said mad

"Well because I wanna be by myself" I said smartly

"What have you gotten to eat" he said nyzier knows about the eating problem when im mad

Life as Yasmine (Toni Braxton's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now