Chapter 14: New Clothes

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Las Vegas. Day 1.

Old rock music played softly from the speakers. Sam looked up from her phone at Rachel sleeping on her bed.

She still couldn't believe that Rachel was here. In their house. In her bed. Rachel looked so peaceful. This was probably the best sleep she's gotten since she left Arcadia Bay.

A soft smile formed on Sam's face.

The way Rachel breathed so softly, her lips slightly parted. How her blonde hair flowed so elegantly. She was quite literally a sleeping beauty.

Sam sighed quietly, smiling softly.

Rachel began to stir, causing Sam to shake herself out of her trance.

Stop staring at her, you creep.

Rachel woke up to some old rock music playing from the speakers. She rolled onto her back and rubbed her eyes, letting out a tired groan.

"Morning." Rachel heard Sam say. Rachel turned her head and saw Sam with her phone sitting on the beanbag chair in the corner. "Hey." Rachel tiredly said. "How'd you sleep?" Sam asked. "Good. You're bed is so comfy." Rachel said and turned to her side. Sam smiled. "Glad you think so." She said. Rachel lifted the blankets off of her and sat at the edge of the bed.

"How long you been wearing those clothes?" Sam asked. "Ever since I left." Rachel told her. "Great. Good to know I'm going to have to replace this whole bed before I sleep in it again." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Eat me." She said. "If you insist." Sam said with a shrug. Blushing, Rachel stood up. She tucked her hair behind her ear, letting out a chuckle.

"I can probably take you into town later. Do some shopping." Sam said. Rachel liked the sound of that. "That would be great. These clothes are all worn and dirty." Rachel looked down at the sheets, noticing that they were in fact dirty.

"Sorry." Rachel muttered. Sam waved it off. "No worries, dude. We'll just wash them." She said as she stood from the beanbag chair.

"How did you sleep, Sam? You were on the floor." Rachel said. Sam cracked her back. "Back's a little sore. But you needed my bed way more than I did." Sam said. "Thanks again. It felt so good to sleep in an actual bed for once." Rachel said. Sam smiled. "You can have it again tonight if you want." She said. "I'll hold you to that." Rachel said as they started walking out of the room.

When they got downstairs, Joey and Levi were eating breakfast at the table. Liam was talking with Sharon in the living room. Sharon saw them enter the room. "Morning, girls." Sharon said. She looked at her husband. "Rachel. Liam has something he'd like to say." She said. Both Rachel and Sam looked at Liam.

"Rachel. We, um, got off on the wrong foot, last night. I was out of line. You needed our help, and I wanted you out." Liam said. "I'm, uh... I'm sorry." He said. Rachel smiled softly at him. "I... appreciate that, Liam." She said.

"You can stay here for a few days. As I'm sure, Sam is thrilled to see you again." Liam said. "We are too. I just wish it was under better circumstances." He said. Rachel nodded understandingly. "I understand, Liam. And I get it." She said.

"Good. Now that you guys have kissed and made up, let's eat. I'm starving." Sam said.

As if on cue, Levi said, "I'm done, Mom!"

"Me too!" Joey added.

"Alright, boys. Just a sec." Sharon said. "Okay, I'm heading out." Liam said. "Alright. Love you." Sharon said and they kissed. As he walked to the door, Sam and Rachel took their seats at the table.

"It's totally cool to see you again, Rachel." Levi said as his mother took his plate away. "Yeah. What brings you here, Rachel?" Joey said. Rachel smiled nervously. "I'm... doing something." She said. "Doing what?" Levi asked. "Ooh! Are you on a mission?" Joey said. "Like a secret mission?" Levi added. Rachel chuckled softly. "Something like that." She said. "What kind of mission?" Levi asked. "Okay, leave her alone." Sam said with a stern glare. "But we're curious." Joey said. "So? It's not your business." Sam said. She looked at Rachel. "Just ignore them, Rachel." She said.

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