The celebration was set to take place at the garden. Grandpa's favourite place in his house. He mostly spends his time there reading his papers or looking at old pictures and reminiscing old memories with his two wives, Yakaka and Yagumsu.

The place was decorated in a matured and lit theme. The food, the cakes and other chops were brought also. They hired a team of photographers to cover the event. Grandpa cut the cake with his grandkids and pictures were taken. He took with his wives, children, in-laws, grandkids and great grandkids respectively. The cousins also took a one picture. In all, the Daggash family looked beautiful and amazing.

After the photographers have left,Grandpa's eldest son, Alhaji Mahmud also known as YaBaffa opened the celebration with a prayer. They prayed for Grandpa's new age, prayed for the blessings of Allah and also for HajiyaFatima's soul with all heavy hearts which brought some tears to Ariana's eyes. Yakaka noticed that and embraced her in a hug calming her.

The day ended with them having fun and taking pictures and they all left for their various homes leaving Grandpa, his wives, Ariana and the twins.


Aryan sat in his father's chamber as he waited patiently in his private living room. He couldn't help but wonder the reason his father summoned him.

He was at it when his father came into the parlor alongside Sultana. He greeted the two of them and was about to retain his position in the carpet when Sultan gestured at the couch and he obliged. One thing he loves about his father is that, whenever he's having a conversation or time with his family, he always drops his royalty and speak freely with them.

He cleared his voice before starting in his calm yet dominating voice. "How are things at the office. I hope you're taking good care of things?" Sultan asked

"Alhamdulilah Dad." Aryan answered.

"Mashaa Allah." Sultan smiled.

"I know you must be wondering why me and your mother summoned you here right?" Sultan asked to which Aryan nodded.

"The time your mother gave you is already over Aryan, and we still haven't heard from you." Said Sultan.

Aryan sighed and brushed his face with his palms. "I'm sorry about that Dad."

"Do you have a girl in mind or i should help you do the honors by choosing a girl for you?" Sultan said.

"Yes Dad, i have a girl in my mind." Aryan answered, his head still ducked down.

Sultan and Sultana exchanged a knowing look with a smile on each of their faces. Sultana already told him about Aida and Aryan. And he was also happy about it.

"Mashaa Allah. And who's this lucky girl?" Sultan asked to hear it from Aryan himself.

"Her name is Ariana."

"What?!" The both of them said at the same time. Aryan looked at them wondering the cause of their now reactions.

"What happened Dad, Mom, do you know her?" Aryan asked looking at his parents.

"No my son, but i thought it was Aida?" Sultana worriedly said.

"Aida? No Mom." Aryan said wondering who gave them the impression of him being in a relationship with Aida. They just share a cool brother and sister bond.

"It's okay then Aryan. Who's the girl? Her parents and where she lives?"

"Yes Dad, her name is Ariana. She's from the shuwa arab culture and lives in Maiduguri with her maternal grandparents."

"Her grandparents? Why not her parents?" Sultana asked not really happy about the situation. She really wanted her niece for Aryan.

"Well her mother is late while.....welll....her father didn't really wanted her and siblings, so she lives with her grandparents." Aryan said hoping not to get any objection by any of his parents.

"What a life! That's very sad. May her soul continue to rest in Jannah. What's the name of the father?" Sultan asked.

"Alhaji Malik Muhammad."

"And the grandfather?"

"Alhaji Abubakar Sadiq Daggash."

"Abubakar Sadiq Daggash? I think I've heard the name before." Sultan said thoughtfully.

"You might know him Dad. He's a well known business man in Maiduguri."

"It's okay Son, i will make some background search on the girl and also the parents In Sha Allah."

"Thank you Dad." Aryan smiled really happy by the situation.

"It's okay Aryan. You may leave. Allah maka albarka; May Allah bless you."

"Amin ya rabb Dad. Thank you. A huta lafiya." Aryan smiled and exited the parlor.

"You're not really happy my Sultana, why if i may ask?" Sultan asked taking her hands into his.

"I really wanted Aida for him. She would love him and take care of the twins more than any woman would." Sultana sighed.

"Don't say that my Hamida. Aryan is a very responsible young man, he would never court a girl and even intends to make her his wife if she doesn't possess the good qualities needed. So be rest assured." He smiled taking her into a side hug.

"I'm now at relief my dear. Thank you so much and may Allah bless the union if there's khair."

"Amin ya rabb."

Yo guys!
How you all doing? I hope you're all fine?.
Wedding bells are ringing fa!✌🥳🥳🥂🛎.
Asoebi go reach everybody💃. It's gonna be a grand one. Get ready for The A square weddinggggggg!!!.
And Madam Aida?💀.
Have a nice night rest!.


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