Chapter 7: Amelioration

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Jordan and I sat at the table, talking for at least an hour before anyone woke up from the noise. We were in the middle of sharing drunk stories when Katherine walked into the dining room.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"We're just talking," I said, eyeing Jordan.

She didn't know everything about him or me and I knew it wasn't the right time.

"Y'all, tonight was wild," Katherine said as she took a seat on the other side of Jordan, facing me.

"Yeah, it was! It was a lot of fun," I smiled back at them. "Even if I did want to kill you for making me kiss Greyson."

We all laughed at the memory. It felt like it had been days since then, but it had only been a few hours ago.

"You know you liked it!" Katherine laughed.

"I mean, I'm not gonna deny that," I laughed back. I kept telling myself I didn't like Greyson as anything more than a friend but it had been fun flirting with him.

"We're gonna be dead tomorrow at church." Jordan held up his phone to show us the time. It was past five o'clock in the morning. Another sleepless night, but well spent.

A weird groaning noise came from the living room and then a thud. The three of us tried to see into the darkness and a figure slowly rose from the ground.

"God, that hurt," Greyson moaned as he walked into the dimly lit dining room.

"What happened?" I asked through laughter.

"I woke up and no one was here and I got really confused then I heard you guys so I rolled over to come in here but there wasn't any bed left... just the floor," he explained.

"Aww, Greyson! Indie will kiss it and make it better." Kat shot a wicked glance my way.

"I think he'll live," I said back to her.

"Now, now, girls. You're going to wake up the children," Jordan said laughing at the sound of Adrian and Miles snoring in the living room.

Greyson took a seat beside me. The four of us didn't stop talking until we heard my parent's bedroom door open and the hall bathroom door close.

"Is it really already six?" I groaned.

"Six- fifteen," Katherine stated.

A few minutes later, both of my parents walked into the living room and then into the dining room to us.

"Did y'all not sleep?" My dad asked. "It looks like you exploded in the living room."

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