Chapter 5 {Watch where you're Running..}

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{Image credit: @rekihem}💗💗
⚠️Warning! This chapter contains Blood and injury! If you don't like that kind of thing you can skip ahead, you won't miss anything :3⚠️

"Hurry up!!" Gregory shouted back at Evan who was trying to catch his breath from running so fast. The small boy had asthma and wasn't fast at all. "H-hold on!" Evan was normally mute but with people he loved and trusted he would speak. Gregory put his hands on his hips as he waited for his friend, and once Evan got close enough he started running again. Meanwhile the smaller, younger boy was fighting himself. He told himself he was weak and just needed to run faster and stop being lame. So he did, he forced his tiny lungs to take all the air as they started to ache. It honestly felt like symbolism. His lungs feeling like they were going to explode but yet he still chased after the one he loved. Gregory ran down a hill, soon CC followed. He felt like he was going to fall but he did it anyway, he couldn't just stop however so how did he plan to slow down when he reached where Gregory was? He didn't. The blue shirted boy stood there, acting the most impatient he possibly could just to tease Evan.
CCs legs hurt as his full body weight was slammed onto them. Soon enough came the curb he had to stop at, but he absolutely couldn't not. He ended up not seeing the long piece of concrete right in front of him and tripped over the curb and flew across, sliding into the bed of rocks. With a hard slam. He hit everything. His knee, chin, foot, ankle and most importantly his arm. Gregory's face changed from bored to terrified in one second flat. Gregory used his amazing agility and speed to book it to Evans side, the small boy covered in dirt and blood, shaking and vibrating with fear and pain. "Holy shit! Evan!!" Gregory did usually use profanity, but he thought now would be a great time.
Gregory immediately grabbed onto CC, trying to make sure nothing was broken.
"Are you ok?? Did- did anything break??"
Evan shook his head, sputtering and coughing. Dirt covering his face and entire body. The taller boy started to dust CC off, the most worried expression Evan had ever seen on his face. "Oh my god.. oh my god.. uhm.. s-should we go back??" Evan took a moment to catch his breath and collect himself. Looking up into Gregory's caring worried face made him feel warm inside, despite the stinging pain in his arm and poor scraped up knee. "Y-yeah" CC responded as Gregory wrapped his arms around his injured friend. "Shhh it's ok, you'll be fine.. we'll go back and get you fixed up ok?" Evan smiled a little, tears falling down his cheeks and onto the ground. Gregory put his hand out to the boy and CC took it starting to waddle along with Gregory back to the school.
Evans footsteps were a little shaky but he did well following with his friend. Gregory reassured him he was ok every couple minutes and started to laugh about the incident which then made Evan laugh. Eventually the two found their way back to school and the older boy took the younger to the nurses office. The usual nurse wasn't here today so there was a lady instead. She want very nice to him and ended up not even giving him an ice pack. (Which is usually their ionic thing..) instead, she gave him two bandaids. CC heard distant yelling as his bandaids were being applied... Gregory.. "No! I don't wanna go back to class if I don't know If he's ok or not!" The teachers reply was muffled because they were pretty far away, it's just that Gregory's voice was raised. "Is my school work really more important than my friend? No!" He stomped away and turned the corner, the steam from his ears fading when he saw said friend. "CC! Are you ok?" The tiny boy nodded and put his arms out. Gregory didn't hesitate to scoop his buddy up. "Yay! I'm so glad!" He rocked side to side with Evan. "Does it still hurt?" Evan nodded a little "yeah.. my arm hurts a lot.. and it was all bloody.. but she didn't even clean it! It still has dirt in it.." Gregory furrowed his eyebrows. Sitting next to Evan on the tiny hospital-like bed. "What the heck.. isn't that like.. her job?" CC nodded and giggled a little. "It's gonna get infected CC.." Evan frowned. "How about I come home with you and clean you up huh? Or you can come to my house?" CC bounced excitedly at the thought of going home with Gregory. He nodded and clapped, causing Gregory to smile with a soft blush. "Heh ok we can do that" Evan laid down on the bed, he didn't want to go to class.. so he took the advantage of staying here. Gregory followed, laying down next to Evan. He pulled the shorter boy onto his belly and held him close. "Just don't fall asleep.. we want lunch right?" Evan giggled and nodded. The two stayed there until lunch came up. It was nice..

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