Chapter 1 {Soft Hair}

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Evan sat in his chair, he wasn't feeling very good.. he normally had a sick anxiety whenever he woke up for school. He hated it.. and sometimes it got so bad that he cried. And sometimes couldn't stop. He slowly scooped his cereal into his mouth, at least he had his apple cinnamon cheerios. He heard someone plop down next to him. His face lit up and that sick feeling, was gone. "Heya CC!" It was Evans best friend Gregory. Evan smiled in response as Gregory threw his arm over the younger boy and pulled him in. A soft blush appeared on CC's cheeks.
Something had been happening lately.. whenever Gregory touched him or gave him any kind of attention, he started to feel all fuzzy.. his face got flustered his chest felt very warm. Gregory was entirely oblivious to his friends feelings and Evan barely knew how to deal with them himself. Gregory took out his watch and started playing on it as per usual. Evan watched him with a tiny smile. He had the urge to hug Gregory tight with everything he had, but that would be awkward in the middle of class. Plus, Gregory wasn't really a touchy person.. Gregory looked over at his friend, he furrowed his eyebrows when his eyes met the others.
"Why are you staring at me all the time?" Evans face immediately lit up with blush. "Ah! I'm sorry I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable!" Gregory raised an eyebrow "Not really. I mean I don't care" he looked back at his watch at the same time the teacher came to the front of the class. "Alright alright please settle down. Look here." She pulled down the projector and started up a video. It was about weather. That's what everyone was currently learning about. Gregory couldn't care less about the lesson, he stayed on his watch. Evan however, watched the video happily and whispered funny things to his crush every once in a while. Gregory would giggle quietly and always add things that made it funnier. Evan held his mouth trying not to burst into laughter in the silent classroom. Gregory smiled confidently, he was funny and he knew it. Evan calmed down a little and looked back at the video smiling. He loved Gregory, a lot. He always wanted to hug him and snuggle him. And a couple times.. all he wanted was to cuddle the boy close and let him run his fingers through his soft light brown hair. He shook his thoughts away and often cried about how he would never be able to do that with his friend.. he leaned over and drew a heart on Gregory's paper, smiling happily. Gregory looked over with a confused expression but grabbed Evans pencil from him and drew one on his paper as well. Evan blushed a little, his smile becoming wider. He looked back up at the video.
At some point, Gregory reached over Evan and the other was surprised. Did Gregory wanna cuddle him too?? CC snuggled into his friends arm. Gregory, who was reaching for his backpack, furrowed his eyebrows for a moment. Evans stomach turned with embarrassment as he flushed bright red. Can a hole swallow him now.
"Whatcha doin there Evan?" Gregory raised an eyebrow. The smaller boy curled up in mortification. "S-sorry" Gregory smiled, seeing how embarrassed the other was. "Yknow what, here" The older pulled Evan in and hugged him close. CCs eyes widened as he felt Gregory's arms around him. He wrapped his around his friend as well and smiled. Gregory rubbed his thumb on Evans back in a comforting way. Evan practically melted into Gregory, closing his eyes softly and resting on the boy. Gregory let him go limp, slowly helping the other down to lay on his lap. Evan rested his head on Gregory's legs, he made a hum of happiness. But, he was absolutely terrified of ruining this moment.. he didn't move a muscle once he was there. Unseen by the teacher so it just looked like he wasn't there. Gregory continued to look at his watch, but with a hand down near the boy he housed on his lap. he ran his fingers through CC's soft hair. Exactly what Evan had dreamed of.. he wanted to cry out of joy, but that would definitely ruin the moment.
Eventually the teacher started passing out class work and Evan didn't have a choice but to get up. So he did, with quite the frown. Gregory tilted his head to the side. "What's wrong?" CC sniffled "I didn't wanna get up.. I liked that a lot.. it made me happy" Something happened that had never happened before.. Gregory blushed. "Well.. maybe.. I can come over to your house after school.. and we can do it again" Evans eyes widened, the endless possibilities of how they could snuggle and hang out, the things they could play.. CC and Gregory were never close enough to hang out outside of school so this was new for Evan.. The boy in the black shirt nodded only slightly in his mind. But, in reality, he was nodding extremely fast, eyes wide. Gregory chuckled "ok yeah sure, I'll ask my dad" He smiled confidently. He loved making others happy, but especially Evan. Since the boy was always crying wherever he went, it made Gregory ecstatic to make him smile or even giggle.

Gregvan {Elementary School AU}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum