Chapter 11

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Again no trigger warning :)

Tora hugged Mikey unsure back not really used to have Mikey and the rest back in their life after 2 years.

time skip two week later

Tora and the others hanged out almost every day since the day where they gave Tora presents: In those weeks they all got a lot closer especially Chifuyu, Baji and Kazutora

Today is the first day where Tora didn't hang with any of them because they, Shinishiro and izana wanted to go to the mall together.

"Tora are you finally ready?" -Izana

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming, just needed to grab my things" -Kazutora

Both went outside where Shinichiro was already waiting for them with his car telling them to hurry up. Izana and Tora raced to the car and got into the back.

After a thirty minutes' drive they finally arrived at the mall, Tora was the first to leave the car, all exited they wanted to go ahead but Izana stopped them by holding their hoodies hood.

"Hey wait for Shinichiro." – Izana

Kazutora pouted they really wanted to go already inside. Shinichiro finally came to the two and so they quickly went into the mall. Tora dragged Shinichiro and Izana to the clothes store. When they got there Tora let go of them and went into the store. Tora looked around the store and picked out an outfit they wanted to try something new so instead of pants they got a skirt. They went into the stall. Izana and Shinichiro sat down before it waiting for Tora to try the outfit.

Tora came out and both Izana and Shinichiro gasped.

"TORA, this outfit looks awesome on you!" – Shinichiro

Izana nodded fast in agreement.

(Tora's outfit)

"Let me pick an outfit for you too" – Izana

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"Let me pick an outfit for you too" – Izana

Tora agreed and sat down beside shinichiro to wait for Izana.

After a while Izana came back with five outfits and gave them to Tora, who instantly went into the stall to try them on.

(Outfit 1)

(Outfit 1)

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The fake death (Bajifuyutora)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt