Chapter 12

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Thanks for more then 1k reader :D also
Sorry that it's such a short chapter, for that i will upload another chapter later to make it up :)

"Umm well.... I-I have been having s-some thoughts since well Toman knows that Shin is a-alive..." -Tora

Shinichiro and Izana looked at each other, both knew it was something serious, and that it's hard for Tora to tell them so they let Tora have the time they needed to explain their thoughts.

"w-well when I went on a walk back then, I noticed that.... i didn't feel right when Shin called me by.... he/him.... pronouns..." – Tora

Shinichiro's and Izana's eyes widen, they quickly went over to Tora and hugged them.

"Tora...I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, we're here for you, until you figure everything out for yourself what pronounce to you want us to use?" – Shinichiro

"they/them pls" -Tora

Kazutora sniffled while saying it. Izana hugged them firmer.

"Do you want us to use another name too or?" – Izana

"No, I'm comfortable with Kazutora and Tora" – Kazutora

Tora was happy, they were glad that they got accepted.

When they got home

"Tora, do you want to tell Wakasa too or should I tell him, or do you want to wait?" – Shinichiro

Tora thought about it and answered Shinichiro if he could do it for them, since their really tired from today and they still needed to put the new outfits into their wardrobe.

to be continued

The fake death (Bajifuyutora)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz