kim seokjin pt.1 シ︎✔︎

Start from the beginning

I sigh quietly, as I stalk over to where she was hiding, looking intently on the deer still infront of us.

"M/N, can you look for some cooking herbs? I want them to go with the deer once I have caught it." she says, reaching over to the leather satchel next to her to pull out some arrows and grabbing her bow. "Make sure to do this for me, okay?"

"Okay, okay!" I whisper, a big smile spreading on my face.

I can only mirror the last words of others' conversations. It's a heavy burden, as I can't speak with my friends as freely as I could've wanted, leaving me literally speechless till they start to speak.

The only words that aren't repetitions of others' words are the ones I say in my mind. The words only I can hear. Though I don't mind, as it's more peaceful in my mind then in the real world.

But back to the hunting, I scramble away from Hera, searching for a small clearing I knew had the herbs she wanted for the deer. I keep running, until I hear soft grunts and groans to my left.

I halt my movements, curious as to what the noise was. 'Hm.. what could that be..?' I thought, turning away from the path and following the noises.

As I walked, the soft muffles and groans of anger got louder and louder until I was met with a fair sheperd boy sitting in a similar clearing to the one I had been searching for. He was combing through one side of his hair, cursing as it seemed to not be cooperating with his movements.

He was shockingly beautiful.

He had fair, perfect skin and gorgeous brown eyes. His brown, chesnut hair fell perfectly against his pale brow. His robes were simple, but framed his body in such a way that it made him seem like a diety, or some far off god I didn't recognise.

But I didn't recognise his beauty as I giggled and hid, watching him struggle with his hair before sighing deeply and giving up, throwing his wodden comb behind him.

"Stupid hair.. never doing what I want!" he shouted. I repeated what he said in a low whisper.
"Want.. want."

He seemed skilled enough, since he had a sheperd's staff and fairly nimble fingers. Maybe he could help me with the herbs.

I walked out of my hiding place, raising an eyebrow at his nonchalant expression. Surely he would be suprised, as I would've seemed to just come out of nowhere. Ignoring his beauty once again, I sat down infront of him, waiting for him to speak so I could try and communicate.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" he sneered, standing up slowly before not-so subtly grabbing his staff from next to him. My pupils enlarged in suprise. Not fright, suprise.

How gutsy.

"Want! Want!" I said, standing up quickly while pointing at him, then behind me to the forest. When I looked back at him however, he held a disgusted look on his handsome face.

"Ugh. How utterly exhausting. You must be in love with me. Well, I don't love you." he says, placing a hand on his hip and sighing.


I can't hold back the laughter vibrating in my chest.

I laugh loudly, holding my abdomen as I doubled over. I shook my head, wiping the tears from my eyes and almost laughing again at his astonished face.

"I don't love you... don't love you." I snicker, fanning my hot face in amusement.

"You're... not? In love with me?" he exhagerated, his eyebrows furrowing as pointing at himself in disbelief. I sighed and nodded as my laughter died down. It was already beginning to become obvious that this man was an arrogant fool.

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