As soon as they reached, Kingsley called for shots. He pulled out his platinum card, slamming it on the table and stating that the drinks were on him tonight. Alcohol probably wasn't the best solution for his problems in the long term, but in that moment, it was all he needed.

"Should I call him?" Kingsley asked, "I should call him, right?"

It wasn't even an hour, and he was already drunk. Kai was pretty drunk too, and despite claiming that they were all going to get shitfaced, Roan paced his alcohol. He knew he'd be taking care of not one, but two drunk idiots by the end of the night. And as it turned out, he was right.

"No," Roan said sternly, "we're not calling any exes tonight. That's a big fat no."

"But come on," Kingsley whined, "I just want him to know that he broke heart. Shattered it into tiny little pieces! He needs to know how much he hurt me!"

"I'm sure he already does. If you want to get back at him then do so by pretending like you don't care. Like you're above all this," Roan stated.

"That's no fun," Kingsley sighed.

"You can have fun here. Anyone you find cute?" Roan asked.

"Nah, I don't want to hook up with a stranger," Kingsley shook his head before taking another shot, "now if that stranger was 6'3 with dark hair and a jawline so sharp that it could cut me... And a body built like a Greek god and a voice so... So..."

"Are we talking about a particular someone here?" Kai teased.

"I think I know who we're talking about," Roan said with a smirk, "someone that is perhaps also your boss?"

"Ooh, sexy daddy Salazar," Kai said, making Roan narrow his eyes at his husband. Kai raised his arms in defence, "I've seen his pictures in articles, okay? That may have led to me stalking him online. You can't deny that he's sexy."

"So very sexy," Kingsley agreed, "he makes me to do things I never thought I would do willingly."

"Like what? Work overtime?" Roan asked.

"Exactly!" Kingsley exclaimed. "Can you imagine me actually caring about work? About some stupid nine to five job? Nope. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Truly a miracle," Roan replied with a nod.

"Do you even know if he's into men?" Kai asked.

"Won't be the first straight man I've seduced, won't be the last," Kingsley said with a casual shrug.

"You're a menace," Roan muttered.

"Hey, your husband was straight before you hooked your claws in him too," Kingsley retorted.

"Fair enough," Roan grumbled, before taking a sip of his beer.

"I need to use the restroom," Kingsley said as he got up, almost stumbling as he did so.

"Need help?" Roan asked.

"I'm a grown man, I can go to the loo on my own," Kingsley said with a roll of his eyes.

Once Kingsley was done with his business and had washed his hands, he stayed in the restroom. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, and stared at his contact list. He wasn't in the right mind, and he knew he was about to do something he'd surely regret in the morning. But at that moment, he didn't care.

He dialled the number and pressed his phone against his ear. There was no answer from the other end, and it went to voicemail. A part of Kingsley knew it wasn't too late and he should've just cut the call, but that part was very strongly overpowered by his drunk and daring state of mind.

"Hey," Kinsgley continued, "I know I shouldn't be calling you like this but... I was just thinking about you, and God I can't stop thinking about you. Even after all this time. Trust me, I've tried. So fucking hard, but you're always on my mind. You don't know what you do to me..."

Kingsley slurred his words, and the time limit was over. He mindlessly tapped on his screen to confirm and send the voicemail, before keeping his phone back in his pocket and heading out to the bar where his friends were waiting for him.

"Took you long enough," Kai said.

"I have a big bladder," Kingsley replied.

"Gross," Kai wrinkled his nose as he spoke.

"Kai," Kingsley deadpanned, "I've seen you eat from the fucking floor. You don't get to call me gross."

"Hey! Five second rule, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Nahar," Kingsley muttered.

The three stayed in the club till around one, drinking away Kingsley's sorrows. Once Kingsley started getting loud and Roan feared they might get kicked out of the building, he called for a cab. He helped the two drunk men to his apartment. Kai was in a better state than Kingsley, so Roan helped the latter to the guest bedroom first.

"I'll drive you to your apartment before work tomorrow so that you can change into some fresh clothes, okay?" Roan said as he pulled the blanket up, making sure his best friend was covered.

"Mhm," Kingsley muttered.

"Cool. I'll wake you up at seven," Roan said as he got up to leave the room.

"Will you make me breakfast in bed, too?" Kingsley asked.

"How about I punch you in the nuts instead?" Roan retorted.

"So sweet. Bestest friend ever," Kingsley muttered.

"God, why am I always the mom friend..." Roan muttered as he switched off the lights and left the room, leaving Kingsley to fall asleep and dream about one particular man.


chapter 13 up on patreon! link in bio!

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