𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍: 1220km

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The airport is bustling with people.

You hide your face under a baseball cap like you usually do (it's not like Yuzuru's fans don't know who you are already, it's just that you'd really prefer not to be photographed today.) You fiddle slightly with the shoelace that you used for a makeshift belt tied around the waistband of your jeans, and you glance at Yuzuru.

"Can we check in now?" you ask him, and he nods, his passport held in his right hand. He tilts his head to gesture to you to follow him, to which you do. "You know, I'm getting bodyguards when I arrive?" he chuckles, and your eyes widen.

"Really?" you say, an amused smile on your lips. "You're so famous, Yuzu."

"Thank you. Want my autograph?" he quips, giggle escaping past his lips. Your heart flutters at the sound of his laughter, and you probably don't realise how the tips of your ears are slightly red (thank god your hair covers them.)

"Of course," you respond, playing along. You walk alongside him as you two head to check in, a smile plastered onto your face.

As you're waiting your turn to check in, somebody taps you on the shoulder. You turn around quickly, fear evident in your eyes, and your expression only softens when you notice that it's Haruto.

"Oh, thank god. Thought you were some creepy weirdo." you say, and your words elicit a laugh from him. "It's just me. Heading to the Olympics. That's kinda crazy to say." he says, and you smile.

"Good luck, by the way." you tell him, and he thanks you, his cheeks tinted pink.

Knowing that he likes you, you don't want to lead him on - so you politely turn away from him and when Yuzuru's done, you step up to the counter and hand over your passport.

Yuzuru waits quietly next to you, scrolling on his phone.

When you're done, you wave goodbye to Haruto and motion to Yuzuru that you're ready to go. He nods, a smile gradually making its way to his lips as you ramble about how you hope the airplane food is good.

Is it mean of him, to feel just the slightest bit happy that you didn't wait for Haruto?

You talk quite a lot, and Yuzuru listens to every single word intently. He's sure that even to random people who have no idea who he is, they can clearly tell that he's smitten with you - he's horrible with hiding it to the point where he has to question himself: is he really hiding it anymore?

Because when he was, all Xinyu told him was that he was incredibly obvious about his feelings for you. 

God, even the way you look at him makes him feel things.

After going through immigration, you sit beside him at the lounge, tapping away at your keyboard to finish some extra homework as he rests his head on your shoulder to read what you're writing.

If before people didn't think you two were a couple, they definitely did now.

You don't mention anything about how his head is resting on your shoulder, and all you do is give him a soft smile, patting his head before getting back to your paper.

Yuzuru closes his eyes in hopes of getting some sleep, even though he'll probably sleep on the plane as well. He's tired, with the almost non-stop training.

"You sleeping?" you ask, and Yuzuru responds with a soft 'mhm'. His earphones are plugged into his ears, and with all the stress that he's been going through preparing for the Olympics, this is the first time in around 3 months you've seen him so peaceful.

"Sleep well, Yuzu - I'll wake you up when we have to go." you whisper, and he nods. His head still rests on your shoulder as he dozes off, and you continue typing up your paper.

When you're halfway done, you take a short break and you quickly glance at Yuzuru. He's still sleeping, a serene smile on his lips as he rests. You don't even realise that a smile that has slowly crept up into your lips as you watch him.

You check the screen that shows all the flight information, and you realise there's 30 minutes until boarding. You pat Yuzuru on the head gently, and he stirs, peeking open one eye as he adjusts to the light.

"Hi," you say softly. "Had a good sleep?"

Yuzuru's head leaves your shoulder as he sits upright, stretching his arms. "Mhm. Your shoulder is particularly comfortable," he quips.

You laugh at his words, and he cracks a grin at the sound of your laughter. "That's funny, Yuzu - anyways, boarding starts in 30 minutes... we should get going."

"30 minutes?" he asks, eyes widening as you put your laptop back into your bag, grabbing the bottled water on the table and taking a sip. "Yep. We're flying soon. Tokyo to Seoul. 1220km."

"...How do you know how many kilometres it is?"


"Why would you google that?" he asks, getting up from his seat and slinging on his backpack. "Why not?" you shrug, doing the same as he did a few seconds ago.

You two walk to the exit of the lounge, thanking the staff at the reception politely before you to walk to the gate. You see a couple of somewhat familiar faces at the gate - not skaters, but other athletes from other sports that you know of.


A voice catches your attention, and you turn to see Haruto, smiling at you and waving. You return the gesture politely, and Yuzuru turns his head to see who's caught your attention, and his expression somewhat falters at the sight of Haruto.

"Are you excited?" Haruto asks you, and you nod. "Yeah. The Olympics was fun last time, and I'm hoping to will be too this time." you say.

"Oh, you went to Sochi?"

"I go wherever Yuzu goes, really."

Yuzuru's heart warms at your words.

"Ah," Haruto says, somewhat deflated. He does do a good job at hiding it, Yuzuru would say - but to be fair, he is food at reading people. You, on the other hand - not really.

"I kinda want beer." you blurt out of nowhere, nudging Yuzuru, and he furrows his eyebrows. "We're about to board, and you want... beer?"

"I saw someone with this beer pin on their bag. It looked pretty cool," you shrug. "I mean, I can wait though - drinking competition with Xinyu." you smirk, and Yuzuru sighs.

"You better take that anti-hangover drink before. I don't wanna deal with..." Yuzuru trails off, and you raise an eyebrow. "Are you finally going to tell me that I threw up on you once?"

"Nope. It never happened."

"You're lying."

"How would you know that?"

"Because I know you."

Yuzuru's cheeks are dusted a faint pink, and your eyes glisten with a small spark, lips curving up into a triumphant grin. "Your reaction says it all, Yuzu."

"No, it doesn't." Yuzuru crosses his arms.

He's right, in a way. Yes, you did vomit on him - he would never admit it to you, but his reaction because of that. It's because of your words - strangely, you telling him that you know him makes him feel like he's been struck with Cupid's arrow all over again.

But then again, love makes you feel and do crazy things.

The lady at the reception announces that you're about to board, and you turn to look at Yuzuru, a smile on your lips.

"Let's go, Yuzu - you've got a gold medal to win."

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 - yuzuru hanyu.Where stories live. Discover now