Filler episode time :) part 2

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Part one turned into a book lol check it out its found in my profile <3
Hi I'm back with another filler! Remember it doesn't follow the Cannon time line of this book , this is just for you're enjoyment because my ass can't form a new chapter! ENJOY <3

// Modern AU - RENKAZA. //

Days were hot and sweaty ad summer approaches. Though many tread through yhr heat for some time off enjoying their holiday, This one particular couple finds it hard to seek joy in this weather.

"God kyo you know its so hot , why accept the invite?" Grumbled Akaza in the shower. Kyoujuro was packing their items while calling a few friends.

" Its the hashiras, I can never turn down a request!" Kyojuro beamed, his shirt saoked in sweat. The room was stuffy but the lack of items made the air a bit cooler. Kyoujuro was just about done with packing when he dashed to the shower while his husband was still in it. He only stripped off his clothes when he entered. Akaza had gotten used to this and had an extra towel already prepared. Even though this trip was sudden , Akaza had gone through these kinds of things more often when there first few holidays arrived in their time of dating.

He always had a half packed suitcase in his closet so that he wouldn't be fumbling around like his husband.Ever the inconvenient and suddenness of all this, Akaza still found joy in taking abrupt trips when the first hour of the holiday starts. Akaza left as soon as his husband came in to avoid distractions. He had learnt that from experience and the experience after was not a very pleasant one with all the teasing about the marks.

Akaza was just about to announce his departure when his husband had called out for him, outside. Confused , Akaza sped to the door dragging his luggage to see his lover standing infront of a taxi. Just how was his husband already ahead? This is new, he thought but shrugged it off and gracefully accepted the door from kyoujuro. The journey to he airport was a very eventful one to the point that it could earn its own arc. Emotions were everywhere and the ride was chaotic. He always knew having kyo meant dealing with the most absurd scenarios but he took up the challenge. Yet this was new.

He knows his husband it s overly caring and kind type so he always tried his best to keep peace in between transport but this ride was far from quiet. This could have ticked off Akaza if they weren't already Married for 6 years. The two managed to pull out their luggage and was met with a hectic Airport. There were sights if crashes , many , many people running . Tourists here and their aimlessly walking and constantly bumping into people . Food on the floor babies crying non stop? Akazas worst nightmare has surely come true.

He could already feel the nausea build up as he stepped into the air-conditioned area. His husband didn't seemed bothered by the slightest ( which is expected) Yet no traces of worry for his husband could be seen either. He had not taken a look at him since the taxi. Before his mind could scramble scenario after scenario, he looked to his right to see his sunshine no longer there. Akazas heart sank so hard he could have just died of a heart attack then and their. He spun around running from point to point to not be able to catch sight of the golden hair locks. Rengoku was only a few centimetres taller than Akaza but he should be able to spot in a sea filled with people expecially since his hair was super bright.

Akaza wanted to collapse into a ball and cry, but he hates that. He doesn't want to bring in a bad image of himself or to his husband. He just wished his only insecurity didn't trigger today. He kept thinking why it had to be a busy day. why he was so afraid of this one thing and this one thing only. He hated himself for this. His eyes started stinging before he dashed to the toilets. He sniffed lightly in the cubicals before taking out his phone to spam texts and calls. His hands were still shaking from anxiety trigger and could not hold his phone properly. He managed to get a few words ( that a normal person could try and make up) but no answer. Last seen 2 hours ago?

Akaza wanted to punch someone. He couldn't believe that his husband. Husband was yet to notice he was gone and that he didn't even pick up his phone when he called. He stayed in the bathroom for an hour and left to search for him instead when his phone was of no service to him in reaching his lover. He was mixed with anger and fear. Fear of losing Kyoujuro in this , not just in the airport but maybe this whole relationship. He couldn't help but pin point all the factors from the way he was able to get out faster than him to the point he made the taxi trip super uncomfortable for his lovers liking and the sudden dissappearance and ghosting? Akaza had no choice but assume the worst.

He started at his single ticket and planned to wait for his husband instead. The plane was said to take off at 11.45 am and the clock was a minute away in striking 11. 45 minutes. He can wait 45 minutes.


Standing from afar , Kyojuro could see his susband fighting around un his seat waiting for him. His heart sank when he saw him take out a packet of tissues and started using some of it to wipe his tears, he could see the very obvious wet patch on his shirt, a sign that he'd been crying for a while. Although his body told him to run to him and give his husband all his love , he couldn't go againts Tengens words after losing a bet with him . It was a stupid bet really , and he should have thought about it first. But they were drunk-No he was drunk and Tengen took advantage of that.

The night was a humid one and Mitsuri had brought Tenegn and Kyojuro along with her to a bar to test out he new champagne the bar had to offer. Mitsuri and Kyoujuro were the ones who drank it all and trusted Tenegen to stay sober enough to get them both home safely, or at least not dead. So as thr time went by Uzui grew bored and challenged the drunkards to a game. A really stupid game. He led the two outside the bar and Brought them to a carnival that was happening not too far from them.

" So , the first to get Ten prizes will win. But they all have to be from shooting booth games." Tengen announced.

" Anddddd we get? " Mitsuri said, every word of hers slurred. Uzui brightened up and patted her back hard enough for her to trip on her steps.

" winner gets to pick a penalty to the losers and it has to ... uhh.. Ah! It has to affect their relationship with there partners!" Tengen glowed with excitement.

the drunkards on the other hand seemed blur and sick. They exchanged looks before agreeing and shuffled inside the carnival. Tengen bloted pass them screaming-


-while cakling away. Oh the two had never felt more pissed as they built an alliance to get 20 prizes to beat Tengens ass.
And so they ran and played. Yet even with their burning determination and perseverance, they had yet to sober up and lost to Tengen by....19 plushies. The two spent an hour trying to aim and had somehow managed to get kicked out of 3 for holding up the line, to only be rewarded a small lion by accidentally winning a game of aiming a ball at a bottle of cans.

As embarrassed as the drunkards were they still had to hang their head in Shane as Tengen rolls out all the details of his horrible plan to them.


Kyoujuros ears burned at the thought and shuffled away into the crowd. He had worn a black wig with green contacts and with the help of Mitsuri who was also going onto the plane with the same exsact penalty, his eyebrows were shaved to a think line. Well not shaved, but heavy makeup and a few nips and tricks from Misturi and he looked like a whole other man. Mitsuri changed to a short blonde hair and black contacts and the two pretended to be the perfect couple while stalking their true significant other.

As weird as it seems he plan was working and the two were hiding in the crowd unsuspected. Kyojuro had to wear full on black like some emo and Mitsuri dressed in a white sweater ( sadly no heart in the middle ) With a long black skirt and the one thing she hates the most, sandals to luxurious location. The clothing was horribly comfortable to their liking though.


" Wheres...Rengoku?" Obanai asks shyly and he scoots closer to Akaza. There was a brief pause before Akaza replied with a shrug. Obanai nodded and stared down at their feet. Tapping away , minutes go by slowly and every breath they take had been counted by the other mentally.

to be continued......

*( filler ep part 3 will be part 2..)


im so sorry for dying for a MONTH AHH IM SORRY I REALLY AM

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