Chapter Ten

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As I approach the school's gymnasium parking lot, I notice that all of the students are dressed to impress. I've also noticed a lot of teachers who are well-dressed. Before getting out of the car, I take a deep breath and grab my phone. I admire the off-the-shoulder crimson dress I'm wearing through the window of my car. Homecoming dresses are shorter than the gowns worn for Prom at the end of the year. This dance is open to all students, whereas Prom is reserved for juniors and seniors only.

I straighten my hair a little and head towards the door. From the outside, music can be heard booming. As I approach the entryway, the Reed family begins to stroll alongside me. Both of Val's mothers are joined by the arm of Alexandria, Val's father. They don't seem to notice me, but I do them. While faculty members queue in one line to receive their name tags, students stand in another to signin to the event and show that they have paid for a ticket to attend.

"Thank you for volunteering as a chaperon, Mrs. Reeds. You have no idea how difficult it is to get our teachers to attend these dances each year."

I glance across to the student line while listening to the front office lady sweet talk Val's parents. My attention follows the line until it reaches her.

She's dressed in a white woman's suit similar to her sisters. The only difference between the two is that Valiana's top pocket corsage is purple, whilst Rayden's is blue to match Olivia's dress. My gaze almost irresponsibly undresses her till I reach her face, where she smiles at me. My stomach tightens and my palms sweat as I look at her gentle, crocked smile.

A throat clearing breaks my trance, and I turn to see the office lady hand me my name badge. "Thank you for volunteering, Ms. Jain."

"Of course." I reply cordially before I enter the gymnasium.

There are decorations all over the place. Round tables with covers are placed around the dance floor. On one side of the room, there is a food table with refreshments, and on the other, there is a DJ. Students are pouring in, speaking almost as loudly as the music. Many people are standing around complimenting one other's attire, while others are either dancing on the dance floor or stuffing their faces with foods from the table. Mr. Tate, Valiana's Calculus teacher, and I have been assigned to the refreshment table for the evening.

"Looking good Ms. Jain."

"Thanks, so do you."

Principle Melenda takes the stage and disrupts the music. "Clearwater High students, I'd like to begin our evening by welcoming the nominees for Homecoming Royalty." A line forms in the center of the floor, and eight couples walk hand in hand through it. Among them are Rayden and Olivia. I observe them as they hold hands and are quite standoffish. They've been for a few weeks, which is strange because they were all over each other when courses started. I wanted to ask Val at the studio last weekend if they were all right, but I figured it wasn't my business. "Okay! Thank you so much, Nominees! We'll finish tallying the ballots, and at the end of the night, one pair will be named Clearwater's Homecoming Royalty." Mr. Tate and I shake our heads as the gathering of students cheers. "I'll leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening!"

The party goes on, and I fill cups with punch for the students. A few of them linger longer to talk to me, and several of them even try to bribe me for the answers to next week's test. Because I've been standing in the same position for a minute, I adjust my weight. I'd say I'm sick of wearing these heels, but I wear them all night in the playroom of my home. They don't bother me at all, but seeing a certain someone standing on the edge of the dance floor with her friends and sister does. She keeps looking at me, but she hasn't come over to talk to me all night. I mean, I understand she shouldn't, especially with so many people around.

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