"Right! Well, she actually has a crush on her! And I've been watching them in class...some shit is going down with them. I know it!"

"No way, you're lying!" I shake my head no. "Well shit... Val might finally get her dick wet!" I cringe thinking about it.

"Ew!" We both start laughing.

"Where is she now?" I shrug.

"I don't know, when I got my truck, I came straight here." She rolls her eyes. "She's probably still at home."

"Don't you have an app with each other's locations?" I think about it for a second. We do, my entire family can see each other's locations in case of emergencies. I pull out my phone and open the app. I'm pretty sure she's at home or at Malia's showing off her truck. I click on her name, and Liv scoots closer to see.

"That's weird."


"She's at a shopping center." I zoom into the location, and there are a bunch of different businesses so I can't really tell where she is. What would she be doing there at 10 at night? "Want to go exploring?" I give her a devilish grin, and she mimics it. We jump off the bed and run outside to my truck.

We drove for 15 minutes before turning into the shopping center. All the lights are off except for one business with the shades rolled down. We see Val's truck next to a red car in the parking lot. "Look Ray." She points to the silhouette of two people in the window.

"That can't be." She blows air into her cheeks and giggles. I drive a little further into the parking lot and park behind a tree so we can't be seen.

"Who else would it be? That's Ms. Jain's car. I've seen her get into it many times at school and questioned how a teacher could afford an expensive ass car like that."

"Should we go knock?" She slaps my shoulder.

"Hell no Ray! Let's give Val some room to get her willy wet. You know this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for her."

"You right!" We sit there for a second before we see the door open. "Liv look." We watch as Valiana walks backwards to her car with her eyes glued on Ms. Jain. We crouch lower so they won't notice us.

"They're both grinning like some maniacs." Liv and I look at each other and start giggling as we watch them both get into their cars and drive away.



I lash my whip in the air to get her attention. She quivers below me in position 4. It's the humble position where she bows before me on her hands and knees with her head to the floor. I look over the body of a subject that I once got excited for...but nothing. Maybe I'm growing weary of her. Or maybe my mind is drifting to a specific student.

She's been on my mind a lot more since we almost kissed. I'm both grateful and disappointed that it didn't happen. If I kissed her, I couldn't take it back, and kissing my student is out of the question.

I glance at myself in the mirror of my playroom. I'm dressed in a skin-tight black latex bodysuit. Another reason I didn't want to become involved with Valiana was because of this. I am a member of a community she is unlikely to think twice about. I joined the BDSM community many years ago and have had numerous partners since then. I only ever have these types of relationships. I don't date, and I never fall in love. Ever. I dom over my subs, get my fix, and then kick them out.

The issue is that ever since I laid my eyes on Valiana's, my brain has been fighting over what role I want her to play in my life. As if being my student isn't enough, despite the fact that it should be. I'm pulled to her in ways I've never been drawn to anyone before, and it scares me because I know I shouldn't be going down that path with her. When I'm around her, I get the impression that she is far more dominant than I am. However, I am not a sub and have not had a dom since my ex. Not that Valiana would ever agree to this way of life with me anyways. She's probably not interested in doing anything other than being my student, and I should be more than fine with that.

If Only They Knew (Book 1.5) (AU Series) - INTERSEXWhere stories live. Discover now