Suspicious Accidents

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A week had passed since the meeting.

Although Grim was gloomy at not being able to play in the tournament, he got to practice with the Ramshackle Ghosts.

Later that day, Yukiko was making dinner when she heard a knock at the door. "Hey Curly, can you get that for me please?" Yukiko asked one of the resident ghosts.

"Of course!" The chubby ghost said.

And to Yukiko's surprise it was Crowley

"Headmaster, what brings you here?" Yukiko asked, knowing something was up. "Is something suspicious happening again?"

"I can't pull a wall over your eyes, huh?" Crowsley chuckled before gaining a serious expression. "I came here to ask you for a favor. Talking outside won't do, so let us head in."

Yukiko just nodded and prepared some tea.

[LOCATION: Ramshackle Dorm - Lounge]

"So what's the problem this time?" Grim grumbled as he sat on Yukiko's lap. On the couch as well was Pachi and some of the baby Pokemon,  including Igglybuff, Pichu, Applin, and Azurill.

"Ahem. Then, let me start from the beginning. There has been an increasingly concerning amount of people being injured in accidents around the school." Crowley said getting to the point.

"People getting injured?" Grim raised an eyebrow.

"Indeed. Falling down from stairs, getting scalded by boiling water, and so on..." Crowley sighed." The reasons vary, but the fact that more people keep visiting the infirmary due to accidents still stands. Then there was an incident by the staircase yesterday. That makes him the 10th victim. The problem is that when it happens, there were very few witnesses..."

"Aren't they just being clumsy?" Grim asked out loud

"The Magical Shift Tournament is nearing and it's true that students are getting restless. But, the amount of accidents compared to last year's is too high. On top of that, all the people that were injured were students who were the top candidates for the Magical Shift Tournament." Crowley explained and Grim gained a frown on his face along with Yukiko.

"You think someone's sabotaging the other teams?" Yukiko asked.

"Excellent deduction, Yukiko. However, we have no evidence to suggest otherwise. All the accidents happened with at least one witness. And all those who fall victim all say the same thing. None of the ones injured were acting differently before." Crowley explained further.

"Then, that means they were just being clumsy. Alright, solved~" Grim said crossing his arms.

"But what if that's what the culprit is counting on Grim?" Yukiko countered with Pachi agreeing. "And Crowley, I'm agreeing to help because my friends could be indanger too. They are participating in the tournament too."

"Ah, well, I was hoping a place in the tournament itself would draw you in." Crowley sighed, at least happy that Yukiko and Grim would help.

"Wait, Really?" Grim asked.

"Of course! Your conditions will be different as well, as you mentioned to me in your world, a trainer can normally use six pokemon. So, if you solve this, you can enter with the pokemon of your choice." Crowley offered.

Grim, Pachi, and Yukiko looked at each other.

[LOCATION: School Infirmary]

"I still can't believe I took up that offer..."Yukiko said. "Well, if we do this, aside from you Grim, I plan to have Tyranitar, Lopunny, Raboot, Pheromosa, Lucario, and Dusknoir compete with us." She said as the went to the Infirmary.

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