22. Walking Nightmare

Start from the beginning

"I know it will never go away. I just wish you told me sooner. Luna, I could have done something to stop it. Instead of feeling grossed out, I am more saddened in your lack of trust in me."

"I was scared what you think."

"Well you're not the only one. I am scared to think of what could have happened also. It's just that, I know we are family, but I would never doubt you or your words. We are all still humans in the end, and he was the one who did something wrong. You didn't have to be afraid to tell me sooner."

"I'm sorry."

Bee sighed and got up. Without finishing up his breakfast, he leaves his plate. I sighed as well. Finishing up my own plate, I clean up the table.

I knew I couldn't just leave Bee the way he was. Out of the kitchen, I move to find where he had hid himself.

After seeing to it that Bee was not on the first floor, I made my way upstairs. On the second floor, it was easier to find him. I went to our bedroom and found him there. He was sitting at the edge of the bed, with his face in his hands.

He looked defeated.

Moving to stand in front of him, I move his hands. Taking his face in my hands, I slowly bring his gaze up to my own.

"Tell me, what is bothering you?"

"I can't even protect you. You are my wife, the love of my life, and I can't even protect you."

I had to smile at his male pride, "Bee, the fact that you are my husband protects me enough. I can take care of myself pretty well."

Bee sighed, still not satisfied. I gave him one of my own sighs. Moving my legs onto the bed, I straddle Bee. He moves his hands around me, making sure I wouldn't fall off.

"Bee, we aren't perfect. We already know this. There will be things in our lives we can't control. There will be times when we won't be able to be there for each other. But we know that we would never betray each other, and we would do anything for each other. All we can do is the best that we can."

"I know. I just can't help but be mad that someone else was viewing you like that."

"Yeah, but in all honesty, no one is ever going to have me like you do. I'm yours. And you better let every girl you know that you have an owner at home as well."

Bee chuckles and I lower myself to kiss him.


I knew I would have to tell Bee soon. My body was acting up, plus I hadn't gotten my period yet. Missing a month here and there was nothing unusual. Yet I wanted to make sure. With the amount of times Bee and I had made love, with or without protection, I wanted to make sure.

Before I would allow myself to tell him, I wanted to confirm it. There was no point in giving him false hopes until I could give him evidence.

I had gone out in the morning to buy a few tests. While looking at the variety of boxes, I couldn't believe the prices of them. Just to find out if someone was pregnant or not. But I guess not every piece of news, whether bad or good, came without a price.

Selecting a few, I went back home. I was determined to find out if was expecting or not. Just to make sure, I drank a cup of water and waited till I had to go.

I was up in our bedroom, laying out all the equipment and the boxes to go with them. Every piece had a different way of reading them, and I didn't want to mess up. I read while I waited.

The whole house was quiet, just the way I liked it.

Even when I was ready to go use the bathroom, I waited a little longer. Was I ready to find out? What if I was and I failed at being a mother? Would I get sad over not having a child? In a few moments, my life was going to change once again, even if the tests came out negative.

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