Yamikage X Pregnant! Reader

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It was a sunny Sommer day and comfortably warm outside, so I sat on my Terrace infront of our little house inside Wisphy Woods. My Boyfriend Yamikage was out and went to train Benikage, a good friend of ours. The red ninja quickly forgave my boyfriend, after explaining to him why he did that and that he secretly was on the good side. No one from Cappytown knew about my relationship with Yamikage, since I fear that they might not take it well and Meta Knight would be out to hunt him down with his two followers, except Benikage. Even the red ninja swore to never tell a single soul about us.

I was in deep thoughts, that I didn't notice a certain knight getting closer until he jumped down and landed besides me.

,, God Meta, don't scare me like that! ", I told him.

,,That's just my way of appearing", he gave out.

,, Hm sure. Anyways, what's up?", I asked him.

,, It feels like you're waiting for someone", he suddenly said.

,, hm? I'm not waiting for someone ", I lied.

I actually am waiting for someone. Yamikage.

,, Then it's just my feelings playing tricks", he mumbled and just as he appeared, he left the same way.

I was relieved and sank into deep thoughts again. I was surprised that Meta Knight didn't see how excited I was.

I took a pregnancy test this morning, since me and Yamikage are wishing for a child and it turned out, that I'm pregnant!

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw Yamikage in the distance coming back.

I stood up and waved excitedly at him.

,, Hey (nickname), looks like someone's exc-", Yamikage said, when I suddenly pulled out my positive pregnancy test and showed it to him, smiling softly.

He took the pregnancy test in his hands and was probably questioning if he's dreaming. I wanted to ask him if everything's okay, when he hugged me and told me how happy he was.

,, we're going to be parents! ", he exclaimed and then kissed me.

I was smiling like crazy, feeling so relieved that he's happy about our child. Yamikage kneeled down before kissing my belly and softly stroking it. It was the best moment ever.

When I was in 2nd Month, my boyfriend stayed at home most of the time, to help me getting over my sickness that I experienced all day long during the month. But he sometimes got out to train Benikage and I gave my best to comfort him that I'm alright and that I can take care of myself. Even Benikage now knew about it and came over from time to time.

In the 6th Month my belly was already big and so, me and Yamikage decided to visit a doctor to take a look at our baby. Of course not in Dreamland, we visited one in one of our nearby cities, where nobody knew about Yamikage's past. When the doctor came to our room, he made an Untrasound and announced, that the baby's healthy and it's going to be a boy. We were both overjoyed and after we returned home, kissed and cuddled for a long time. After a few days we even told Benikage about it and he was happily jumping up and down like a happy uncle. Meta Knight visited me also from time to time, so Yamikage has to hide or he's already away, training Benikage. The blue knight noticed my belly getting bigger fast, but I just blamed it on me eating sweets all of the time. Tiff was more suspicious than Meta Knight and questioned me a lot if I really think that it's from Sweets and not that I could be pregnant but I also lied and telling her that I never had sex with anyone.

In the 7th Month, Yamikage had to sometimes go out at midnight, only to return with like a thousands of ice cream bc of my sudden appetite of it and he also has to watch me eating weird food combos. When the baby began to kick, my boyfriend was in awe but also a little worried about me, since it also hurts a lot when the baby did that.

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