Coming Home after Patrol

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Coming Home after patrol

Jason Todd x G/N reader

A/N Hello, I hope you enjoy this short story. I like this idea of Jason. Something that I usually find myself thinking about when I go to sleep. Have a good day <3

Summary Jason Comes home after patrol and you're waking up at his arrival.


Whenever Jason comes home from after patrol. His goal is to never accidentally wake you from your slumber. He wishes that most of the time the two of you would fall asleep together. But that isn't the case for when he's scheduled. Jason opens the window with the fire escape, found in the living room. The window slowly creaks due to the added pressure of him pulling it up. "I should really get around to oiling the hinges on this sometime soon." His Left leg through the window then the right next. The sound of his heavy boots hitting the dark wooden floors.

His eyes adjusted to the darkness of the apartment. All the decorations hanging on the walls, photos of your joint families. Ornaments you chose when you first arrived in the shared apartment. Jason left most of the decoration in your hands, he wasn't one for interior design. The vibrant hues of green scattered around from windowsill to floor. Due to the plants the two of you bought last summer. A huge rug in the living room (one that you mutually agreed would look perfect beneath the coffee table.) A lot of it wouldn't matter to him; he would be all right with anything. The biggest thing to him was the number of rooms in the apartment. It had to have at least one guest room for his brothers and friends. A room for all his gear. (His own personal storage in a lack of better terms.) Then finally his special room, the shared bedroom for the two of you. The bedroom was a place of relaxation, a place where he could retreat with you at the end of the day. Ignoring the rest of Gotham's problems until he awakes again the following morning.

Taking off his mask, with the iconic "hiss" sound escaping due to the air-tight seal. Holding onto the mask and placing it on a nearby table. Leaving it there for the future Jason to handle. Jay went to the cabinet quickly to grab a small snack. Patrols were always exhausting on his body and energy. He had to be strong for Gotham's sake, especially yours. You're the love of his life, being there for his challenging times and giving him space when he needs it most. You haven't left his side in all the 3 years of knowing him. You mattered so much to him; he would do anything for you. Grabbing a small pack of almonds and quickly changing out of gear in his equipment room. After throwing away the empty plastic bag Jason starts to head to the bedroom and slowly opens the door.

The first thing he sees after his eyes readjust once more. Is your sleeping figure on the bed. Spring is ending and summer on the horizon, Gotham was hotter than a normal night. Blankets thrown off your body. And the open window cracked slightly ajar for a better air current. Jason is careful walking toward you. Purposefully stepping on boards that don't creak to his added weight. Tiptoeing around the bedroom. Eventually, Jay arrives at his destination and kisses your cheek. A small peck from Jason woke you up from your troubled slumber.

The dream ending. Your eyes slowly open, making out shapes in the darkroom. Finally, connecting the dots, you recognize that Jason was standing in front of you. A (barely visible) worried look enveloped his face. Hair was disheveled, a small layer of sweat coating his features. Jason steadied his breathing and feels guilty for waking you up.

"I'm sorry my love for waking you." Jason leans forward, hovering over your body. He grabs your hand and plants a small kiss on the back of it. Still holding your hand, he places it on the side of his cheek. "I'll join you in bed after a moment, but please go back to sleep." He stares at you with a pleading look. Kissing your palm, a couple of times.

You and Jason shared the same desire of falling asleep together in bed more often. It's something that the two of you have told each other in the past. Not passing up on this opportunity you try and stay awake for him. "It's all right jay, hurry and take your shower so you can join me in bed." Your eyes soften while looking at the pair of green looking back at you. "I'll be waiting." Your voice was a bit horse to the lack of usage for a couple of hours.

Jay tries to persuade you once more to fall back asleep to no avail. But he wouldn't ever admit this to you forwardly. But he is also glad that you would be waiting for him in bed. A selfish part of him wants you to stay awake just for him. He wants to wrap you in a tight embrace and smolder you with hugs. Repeating it to him to hurry and to go get clean. He nods his head and goes to hurry into the shower. Jay is in a hurry to return to bed with you. And his footsteps stand for that ideology. The hurried pace of them going to the shower. The door closes behind him, water turns on and the sound of his clothes falling to the floor. The buckle hits the ceramic tiles and reverberates on the walls.

Shortly after Jason leaves, you adjust your weight. Sitting in bed instead of laying down. Shaking your head, a bit to chase off the sleepy feeling. Finally rubbing your eyes, you wait for Jason to finish. You take in the surroundings and realize how much you move in your sleep. The blanket was thrown around. The window open, and a slight draft goes through the room. All there was to do was hope it would be colder tomorrow. (Highly doubting, that was going to happen with it getting warmer and all.) Going to the lampshade and turning it on to the lightest setting. So, your eyes aren't rudely awakened to a flash of bright light.

Letting your lungs fill with oxygen and deflate over an unknown period. You look at the bathroom door again and hear the shower turn off. The sound of running water was cut short. Along with the sounds of Jason wobbling around in the bathroom. You couldn't be more grateful for him. He was the love of your life. Taking up so much room in your heart and mind. He taught you so many things about loving one another. How to become a better person and what you personally needed in a relationship. You couldn't want it in any other way. You wonder how you could love him anymore, but he always surprises you with new ways.

Jason Finally steps out of the shower. His towel was on top of his damp head. Shaking it on his scalp to dry his hair. Jays white streak in his head peeking out of the black towel. He usually steps out of the shower naked. The two of you have been dating for a solid 3 years now. He was comfortable around you. Jason is confident in his body and has nothing to hide. (You couldn't help yourself but get a couple of good glances in his direction. Adverting your eyes at times when Jason looks at you. Not wanting to get caught peeking at your boyfriend.) Going to the closet, throwing on some comfortable clothes, he finally got in bed next to you.

Crashing into the mattress, Jason instinctively went closer to you. His damp hair laid flat against the grey pillows. You turn off the lampshade and start paying your full attention back to Jason. You fall into his chest and lay on top of him. Head to his chest with your hand doing the same. A grin finds its way onto your face. A small thank you went to the universe for bringing him home tonight. In good health, you were grateful he was all right. 

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