Waking Up with Jason

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Jason Todd <3


A/N Hello yall, this is my first short story along with writing stuff for Jason. I hope it does him justice and I hope yall like it. Lemme know if yall want more though<3

Summary You wake up beside him in the morning. Enjoying this man's beauty.


As your relaxing dream comes to an end; your eyes slowly open, looking up onto your white ceiling. Your pupils adjust to the yellow rays of lights fluttering through your open shutters. Dust particles casually floating around in the air, life could seem better than it was right now. Slipping your arms from under the blanket. You pull your weighted blanket up to your neck, with a slight tug stopping you from going all the way. You're reminded of the love of your life sleeping right next to you.

Rolling onto your side, adjusting your weight to become more comfortable. Admiring the beauty that your boyfriend has, you found yourself staring at him.

Jason was sleeping on his stomach with his hand tucked beneath the pillow. His blanket was down to his lower back and sporting a white tank top. (He normally sleeps on his back, but I guess after patrol last night. He was too slumped to correct his sleeping position.) He must have turned his head frequently in his sleep because his hair was all ruffled up. His white streak sticking up in the air.

Scooting closer to him and to the edge of your pillow so you could get a better view of Jason. Slowly you have your hand under your chin, making a small indentation on the mattress under you. As quietly as possible, breathing slowly and softly. You tried your best not to wake up your sleeping beauty. Jason has caught you multiple times staring at him. Teasing you about your "stalker tendencies" as soon as his eyes are open. Rolling your eyes at the thought. "Such a light sleeper" you mutter to yourself. Quickly realizing that was a mistake to say aloud. Biting your lower lip, all you can do is hope he didn't stir awake over your small comment. After a short amount of time passes, thinking you're in the clear. Slight ease of tension comes off your shoulders.

Turns out, you didn't see the grass on the other side after all. Jason opens one eye and tilts his face in your direction. A genuine smile appears on his face. A look of defeat comes across your face. You let out the support of your chin along with a deep sigh. Staring at the same ceiling you woke up looking at. At a turtles pace, you look at him. He's propped up currently this time, in the same position you just were.

"I think this is becoming a bit of a creepy habit that you're developing y/n. This is what..." Pretending to do the math in his head. "Hmmm... the 14th time that I caught you doing this?" Raising his eyebrow and saying that in a questioning tone.

"I almost had you there though... if I didn't make that small comment. I promise you, you wouldn't have known!"

He chuckles at your statement. Leaning into peck your cheek and going back into his side of the bed. Tumbling back on the pillow. His face is back on the pillow and tilted to you once more."I was awake before even that y/n. But maybe next time" He mumbles into the pillow, barely audible. Closing his eyes, he was almost starting to fall back to sleep. Wanting a couple more hours after his exhausting shift.

Now that your cover has been blown. You might as well go snuggle with him. Going over to Jason and slipping an arm under and over him. Resting the side of your head on his chest and hearing his heart in action. Slightly squeezing him into a small embrace. Jason finally reopens his eyes, focusing his attention on the top of your head. He plants a small kiss and tucks his arms under yours to reciprocate the hug.

"Now you're giving hugs out of nowhere?"

"I know you enjoy them...plus I kinda needed one." your tone is muffled by his chest.

"Well y/n, if that's the case" Tightening his embrace on you. Jason had carefully pulled you to meet him on eye level. "Let me spoil you with them. Hell. Let me add a couple of kisses into the mix." The look on his eyes sported affection. Seeming to admire every feature that you had. Jason always had a way of making someone flustered.

After tightening the hug Jason adorned you with kisses. Kissing every feature that he loved on your face. And slowly moving down your neck. Kissing the collar bone that he cherished, then moving on to the shoulder that slipped out of the loose pajamas you were wearing. You could only assume that he was going to continue down further but you put an end to that adventure.

"Hold up there cowboy." You cupped the side of his head, leading him back up to eye level. "What do you think you're doing." Giving him a smug look expecting an honest reply.

"Well...Partner, if now is not the right time," he says in a mockingly southern tone. " Maybe we could spend the whole day cuddling instead?" He pleads with you, softening his green eyes. The sun casts against his back and gave him this glow around his body. His body is outlined in yellow light.  How could you say no!

Giving in to temptation and giggling at the situation. You remove your hand from his scarred face. Putting your arm in the air and gesturing him to come. He quickly moves in closer and plants his head in the crease of your neck and shoulder. Putting another kiss along the way. He quickly slid his hands and arms under yours. Trapping you in an embrace with no intention of letting you go.

He spoke into the air; wanting his words to be genuinely expressed to the love of his life. "I did also desire a hug as well from you y/n." taking a deep breath through his nose, intaking your familiar and comforting smell. "I missed you a lot y/n." Speaking in such a delicate tone. Jason closes his eyes and is ready to fall back asleep with you in his arms.

Your heart feels like it could burst at any moment through your chest. Saying the words I love you to him. With him gladly repeating it back to you in a dampened tone. The two of you spend the morning laying in bed together. With you kissing the top of his head instead. Not ready to let the other one go until the sound of your stomach says otherwise. And thankfully Jason is cooking some breakfast. The day with the love of your life wouldn't start until after 12 with many more to come

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