Chapter 8: Pregnant

Start from the beginning

If it was true, and Wei Ying was pregnant, then mortal or immortal, it didn't matter anymore. If Wei Ying was pregnant and was able to give birth to an heir, of course, the emperor wasn't against that boy becoming the main consort of the crown prince anymore. He couldn't become the empress but that didn't matter. There would be someone better for that title in the future. At least that was what the emperor hoped for.

But he was also disappointed. He didn't mind what the crown prince did behind closed doors, he didn't mind the crown prince following his desires and sharing his bed with someone. It was normal when one was young, especially for men. But still... Lan Huan was a crown prince and had to make sure not to damage his reputation or the reputation of the royal family.

Right now the emperor was sure that the news of a probable pregnancy was spread widely in the heavenly palace. If Wei Ying was pregnant then it wouldn't damage the crown prince's reputation much. The public would celebrate the news of the birth of a child and would forget about the fact that the crown prince made love before marriage.

But... if there was no child, the crown prince's reputation would suffer and the emperor would like to see what his son would do to gain it back.

"We arrived, your majesty." The servant bowed and the emperor entered his oldest son's chambers. Just as he entered he saw the seer turning to Lan Huan who was looking at her in worry and anticipation.

"Congratulations, your highness. You are becoming a father of a little princess." She announced and bowed slightly. The whole room consisting of Wei Ying, Lan Huan, the seer, the emperor, the imperial doctor, and a few servants was quiet and everyone looked at Wei Ying who sat on the bed and seemed to wish he would like to have been somewhere else.

Prince Wang Ji entered the chamber behind the emperor and watched the scene in front of him. Lan Huan was speechless, staring at the seer in shock and disbelief.

"Are you... s-sure? Is that even ... possible?"

"My dear crown prince, do you think someone like me would lie to you?" The seer asked. Her tone was gentle but there was a strong power in that one sentence.

"We wouldn't dare to question you, seer." The emperor answered on behalf of his oldest son. "We are only surprised. A mortal man becoming pregnant? Something like that never happened before and shouldn't be possible."

The seer met his eyes and looked toward the imperial doctor. "Say it."

"W-what?" The doctor asked confused.

"There is something you want to say. Say it and it might help others in this room to believe my words."

"Ah.... Well... like I told the crown prince before, there were two mortal men, twins to be exact, who became pregnant many many years ago. It was a shock for everyone and because a mortal man can't possibly give birth to a child without the help of an immortal, they were sent to the immortal realm to give birth, or else the twins and their babies would have died. What happened with them and the babies, as well as why they could become pregnant I don't know. I only read a small part of this story in a book a long time ago. I can't really remember...."

"Seer, can you enlighten us? Do you know what happened?" The emperor asked and everyone looked back to the only woman in the room. She nodded.

"It was long before my time when that happened. It was a big scandal in the immortal realm back then so everyone decided to not talk about it."

"Scandal?" Lan Huan asked.

"They were sent to the beast realm and stayed there until both men gave birth to a child one week apart from the other. But these poor babies were born disfigured so some immortals from the beast realm decided that ending the baby's life was the best option as they wouldn't have lived long enough. Whereas it was true that these babies wouldn't have lived past their 3rd birthday, at least they would have lived a happy life together with their parents. The two mortal men were furious and naturally couldn't accept that someone else had decided to kill their children."

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