Car rides & Sun Sets

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As we drove, passing fields of multicoloured wildflowers, I rolled the window down and stuck my head out, breathing in the heady scents of the bright blooms. My hair loosed itself from the messy french braids I had it in, dark strands blowing in the rushing wind.

Breathing in deeply, I stuck my head back in our tiny red Honda. Soft music from the radio played in the background as I looked at my boyfriend.

His hands gripped the steering wheel, staring intently at the road stretched out in front of us. His gaze was uber focused, though a small smirk played at the corners of his mouth, a product of my rather dog-like behaviour.

"You do realize we're the only ones on this road, right? You are allowed to look other places." I said, amused.

His smirk blossomed into a full-on grin, white teeth sharply contrasting rich, golden skin.

"Better safe than sorry, Inya."

Butterflies erupted in my stomach as he said my name, careful syllables and husky undertones.

I loved the way he said my name, always meticulously pronouncing it, almost reverent, like it was the most important thing he would ever say.

It's been three years since we started dating and I still get like this? Yeesh.

I stuck my tongue out at him and propped my feet up on the dashboard, my bright yellow Converses complementing the beige colour of the car's interior.

"We can't all be a stick in the mud, Matteo."

His eyes glinted, a wicked expression forming on his face.

"Stick in the mud, huh? You want reckless, I'll give you reckless."

What does he-

Matteo suddenly jerked the steering wheel to the left, and with an ear splitting screech the car swerved straight into the wildflowers. I gripped the sides of the seat, terrified, as the car slowed to a stop, hitting flowers and grasses with muted thumps.

For a few seconds all that could be heard was the sound of breathing, then we both burst into laughter.

"I- can't believe- you did that!"

I gasped out, clutching my sides.

Matteo wiped the tears from his eyes, still chuckling.

"I can't believe I did that either. I guess you are a bad influence on me."

I unbuckled my seatbelt and crawled over to sit on his lap, kissing him quickly.

"You love me anyway."

He reached out through the open window, plucked an orange lily, and gently tucked it into my curls.

"I do."

He tucked my head under his chin, wrapping his arms around me. I held on, burying my face in his chest, breathing in his ocean air scent.

We stayed like that for a few minutes, breathing in each other.

As I once again registered the sounds around us, I heard a familiar song come on the car radio.

"Oh! I love this song."

Pulling away, I turned the dial on the car's dash, raising the volume.

"Oh joy,"

Matteo replied drily.

"Another sappy love song."

I flicked him on the nose.

"Come on, Mattie, I know you enjoy it."

Perking up as the chorus began to play, I started singing along, nodding my head to the soft drumbeat.

As I looked back to my boyfriend, I could see him begrudgingly mouthing the lyrics. Grinning to myself, I settled back against his chest, looking over at the setting sun.


A/N: That's all for today, folks! Oh and if you're following my other WIP, Drakkyngem, I am soo sorry its taking so long! Idk if I said this but I don't actually have any chapters prewritten, so I'm basically posting them as soon as I'm done, so that's why it's taking so long. Sorry y'all! I promise I'll try to get it uploaded ASAP. 

Love you all <33


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